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June 14-15, 2007 - Halkidiki, Greece


Session H2.1

Building discipline specific FE-models based on the "Common Model" concept
G. Nikolaidis, D. Zafeiropoulos, K. Ntamagkas
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Structural FE-model of thin adhesive layers well suited for implicit and explicit analyses
T. Brandt1, H. Friese1, B. Heydt2, Dr. U. Hindenlang1
1LASSO Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Germany, 2METABOWERKE GmbH, Germany

Session H2.2

Capturing the best practices for the organization and analysis of crash-test simulation load-cases
I. Makropoulou, K. Kiouptsidis, K. Skolarikis
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Crashworthiness design of ANSALDOBREDA light metro vehicle
L. Lenzi, S. Raiti
AnsaldoBreda S.p.A., Italy

A CAE tool for processes optimization according to FMVSS201U
P. Williamson1, L. Rorris2
1P+Z Engineering GmbH, Germany, 22BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Session H3.2

Automated build-up and analysis of NVH models with ANSA/META package
V. Pavlidis , M. Tryfonidis
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

δYNAMIS: A new solver for linear and nonlinear finite element models
D. Giagopoulos1, Prof. S. Natsiavas2
1DYNAmical Systems TechnologY, Greece, 2Aristotle University, Greece

Automated process deployment for NASTRAN SOL200 optimization analysis, using ANSA/META package
G. Korbetis, K. Marmaras
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

An efficient re-analysis methodology for optimization of large-scale vibration systems
Z. Mourelatos1, E. Nikolaidis2
1Oakland University, Rochester MI, USA, 2The University of Toledo OH, USA

Session H2.3

Case study on the FE-model and geometry morphing in Structural Analysis
G. Panagos, Dr.-Ing. N. Drivakos
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Applications of shape optimization with LS-OPT and ANSA
1Heiner Müllerschön*, 1Marko Thiele, 2Wolfram Mühlhuber, 2Uwe Gerlinger
1DYNAmore GmbH, Germany, 2AUDI AG, Germany

Analysis of component joints in Finite-Element models of car bodies
Dr.-Ing. H. Wüstenberg
Volkswagen AG, Germany

Session H2.5

Overview on optimization methods
I. Nitsopoulos, B. Lauber
FE-DESIGN GmbH, Germany

Optimization of a vehicle front part structure at AUDI using ANSA morphing and Optimus
M. Kaufmann1, B. Lauber2, Dr. C. Katzenschwanz2
1AUDI AG, Germany, 2FE-DESIGN GmbH, Germany

A new approach for the preprocessing of TOSCA optimization tasks in ANSA
1Lauber, Boris, 2Korbetis, George, 2Marmaras, Dinos
1FE-DESIGN GmbH, Germany, 2BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Session H3.5

ANSA for CFD - overview and outlook
M. Lanfrit, T. Lehnhäuser
ANSYS Central & Eastern Europe - FLUENT Deutschland GmbH, Germany

Combining quality, performance & efficiency in CFD pre-processing
E. Skaperdas, C. Kolovos
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Automatic optimization of automotive designs using Mesh Morphing and CFD
F. Campos1 , P. Gerenia2, E. Skaperdas3
1ICON, United Kingdom, 2ESTECO, United Kingdom, 3BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Session H2.6

Definition and parameterization of a process workflow, applied on modeling for ABAQUS
Dr.-Ing. S. Seitanis, M. Giannakidis
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Using submodeling technique to understand passivation cracks in microelectronical devices - Preprocessing with ANSA
Dr. E. Barti1, Dr. M. Stecher2
1SIEMENS AG, Germany, 2Infineon Technologies AG, Gernany

Crack propagation in various 3-D shell structures, application of special software-tool using ANSA/μETA with standard ABAQUS solver
D. Dreissig, B. Weisser, Dr. U. Hindenlang
LASSO Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Germany

Orthotropic material of bones generated by means of clinical CT-data, applied to FE models for the nonlinear simulation of one-leg stand with pelvis, femur and lower leg
R. Schneider1, P. Helwig2, G. Faust3, Dr. U. Hindenlang1
1LASSO Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Germany, 2University of Freiburg, Germany, 3University of Stuttgart, Germany

Session H3.6

Prediction of e-coat voids and puddles during automotive painting using ANSA
P. D. Hanumalagutti1, Y.-N. Liu1, R. Mothukuri2
1Research and Advanced Engineering, Ford Motor Company, USA, 2BETA CAE Systems USA Inc., USA

Usage of ANSA’s automated volume meshing-methods in the rapid product development process of diesel engines
G. Pessl, Dr. R. Ehart, G. Bumberger
BMW Motoren GmbH, Austria

Pre-processing of lighting heat analysis at Visteon-Autopal
T. Havlik, R. Malucha
VISTEON-AUTOPAL s.r.o, Czech Republic

Thermal judder on drum brakes due to mounted radial run out
D. Suryatama, R. P. Uhlig, S. Vallurupalli, R. M. Lundgren, F. J. Zweng
DaimlerChrysler NA, USA

Session H2.7

The development of the 2007 formula SAE by the ART-7 team
D. Perperidis
Prepared by the ART-7 team members

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