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MONDAY MAY 20, 2019

Session 1

Latest Developments & New Products in BETA's product line  
Chryssa Sferidou, BETA CAE Systems

Session 2

RENAULT Model Factory: management of Model Building
Laurent Noyelle, RENAULT SA

ANSA/META deployment in Groupe PSA   
Jean-Christophe Carniel, Groupe PSA

Session 3B

CAE Data Management and Standard Process Tooling: storyboard from RENAULT Group Model Factory
Jeremie Gomez

Future Model-build-up process in ANSA using MODULEs   
Dr. Jürgen Bruns
Volkswagen AG

Automated checklist for intermediate deliveries
Julien Barbier
Groupe PSA

Lead time reduction - Fast and easy setup of structure load cases using ANSA
Dr. Christoph Thiem
Presented by Martin Schönecker
Opel Automobile GmbH

Session 3A

Case Study: collaboration for advanced process automation, General Motors & BETA CAE
Joshua Sims1, Scott Larsen2
1BETA CAE Systems USA, 2General Motors

Advancements in batch model preparation with the SDM-Console   
Michael Tryfonidis
BETA CAE Systems

CAD shape recognition and mesh generation technique using ANSA script
Koji Otani
Integral Technology Co., Ltd.

Exploration of meshing strategies for highly complex parts
Dimitris Zafeiropoulos1, Stylianos Karditsas2, Christos Sachanas2, Lazaros Adamoudis2, Michael Tryfonidis2 1BETA CAE Systems International, 2BETA CAE Systems

Session 3C

The totally new evaluation scheme of JNCAP from 2020
Prof. Sadayuki Ujihashi
BETA CAE Systems Japan

Multi Material Modeling with ANSA: an Application in the Automated Assembly Process at FORD
Thanassis Fokylidis2, Tunc Uzun1, Heiko Wuestner1, Niels Pasligh1,3, Vangelis Karatsis2, Chien Ping Mark Ng4
1Ford Werke GmbH, 2BETA CAE Systems, 3RIC Aachen, 4Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd

Connection model automatic creation tool development at vehicle CAE model building
Takashi Nasu
Nissan Automotive Technology / Vehicle CAE center

Substructuring tools for effective pre- and post-processing
Nikolaos Nikoglou
BETA CAE Systems

Session 3D

Lattice Structures modeling: introduction to homogenization
Nikoleta Pasvanti1, Andreas Psarros1, George Korbetis2, Andreas Vlahinos3, Athanassios Mihailidis1
1Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2BETA CAE Systems, 3Advanced Engineering Solutions

Rapid remodeling in ANSA/META for Additive Manufacturing design optimization
Xiao Chen1, George Korbetis2, Panagiotis Pantazidis2, Dimitrios Drougkas2
1Ford Werke GmbH, 2BETA CAE Systems

Standardization of X-Attribute body assessment by coupling FEM and MKS   
Emilie Debauche1, Markus Wick2, Markus Herbst3
1Arrk P+Z Engineering, 2Ford Werke GmbH, 3BETA CAE Systems

EPILYSIS new tools and enhancements facilitate analysis set-up and improve solver performance
Vasilis Pavlidis
BETA CAE Systems International

TUESDAY MAY 21, 2019 - Morning Sessions 

Session 4

Isogeometric Analysis of local deformation and fracture for automotive frames
Kenji Takada
Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Automobile R&D Center

Bringing reality into the virtual world   
Eric DeHoff 1, Kishore Pydimarry 1, Santosh Patil2
1Honda R&D Americas, Inc., 2BETA CAE Systems USA

Automation of pre- and post-processing in Ferrari GT cars project
Dr. Luciano Mariella, Rubens Curatola
Ferrari S.p.A

Complete vehicle CAD extraction, translation and quality report generation at CEVT   
Jesper Bäcklund
China Euro Vehicle Technology AB

Session 5B

Superelement welds for productive car development
Nils Himmelsbach 1, Christian Graber 1, Michael Tryfonidis2
1BMW Group, 2BETA CAE Systems

Improvement of evaluation efficiency by 3D report
Seiichi Takakuwa
Honda R&D Co., Ltd Automobile Center

Migration of a post-processing process: from Medina to META
Urs Stefan Jedrkowiak, Thomas Brandt, Alexander Schwarzkopf
Rheinmetall Automotive AG

ANSA: one of the CAE analysts' best friends
Edoardo Ferrante, Dr. Emiliano Costa, Sergio Macchiavello, Alberto Rossi, Maurizio Iannolo, Alessandro Bozzolo, Andrea Trevisi
RINA Consulting

Session 5A

NVH post-processing automation
Dr. Martin Schönecker
Opel Automobile GmbH, Groupe PSA

Evaluation of vehicle interior noise based on loads from a Multi Body Analysis - An integrated BETA suite solution for addressing non-linear mounts   
Markus Herbst, Apostolos Paraschoudis
BETA CAE Systems

How did we realize SPDRM and where will we go? - part I
Haruki Kubokawa1, Irene Makropoulou2, Antonis Perifanis2
1HONDA R&D Co., Ltd. Automobile R&D Center, 2BETA CAE Systems

How did we realize SPDRM and where will we go? - part II
Haruki Kubokawa1, Irene Makropoulou2, Antonis Perifanis2
1HONDA R&D Co., Ltd. Automobile R&D Center, 2BETA CAE Systems

Session 5C

Crash Management system optimization tool in ANSA and META
Pedro Ruiz, Ricardo Liñan, Alvaro Arconada

ANSA for FMVSS201U: a flexible process
Thanassis Fokylidis1, Israel Corrilo2, Carlos Cano2, Hector Hernandez2, Rabin Bhojan2, Alfonso Hickman2, Joanna Rakowska3
1BETA CAE Systems, 2FORD of Mexico, 3FORD Motor Company

CAE modeling of bolts for crash
Jens Raine, Per-Anders Eggertsen, Simon Rydberg
Volvo Cars Corporation

Crash Load Paths Analysis based on Field Line Visualization in META post-processor
Lailong Song1, Rainer Moll2, Michael Tryfonidis3, Sideridis Athanasios3, Fabian Duddeck4
1BMW Group, 2IDIADA Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH, 3BETA CAE Systems. 4Technical University of Munich

Session 5D

Building a full UAV aerodynamic database using ANSA pre-processor automated meshing tool
Danny Gilad
Elbit Systems

Aerodynamic Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with innovative layouts, using low and high-fidelity numerical tools
Prof. Kyros Yakinthos1, Pericles Panagiotou2, Pavlos Kaparos2
1Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2UAV-iRC

Investigation of aerodynamic loading on a train pantograph
Dr. Konstantinos Ritos, Craig Roddick, Dr. Ioannis Kokkinakis
University of Strathclyde

Computational Haemodynamics in arterial geometries in relation to obesity-induced cardiovascular diseases
Dr. Asimina Kazakidi
University of Strathclyde

TUESDAY MAY 21, 2019 - Afternoon Sessions 

Session 6B

Discovering the anatomy of a shock absorber with the aid of Computed Tomography and beyond
Dr. E. Karatsis, P. Michailidis, I Mezitis, BETA CAE Systems

Composite life prediction model for leaf springs using Finite Element model and testing
Kishore Mysore Nagaraja, Hrushikesh Patil, Sharanbassappa Patil, Suresh Nagesh
PES University

Beam modeling: new developments
Kostas Skolarikis1, Vasileios Evangelou2
1BETA CAE Systems International, 2BETA CAE Systems

Session 6A

Efficient time dependent reliability analysis of large systems under Non-Gaussian loading
S. Patil1, Z. P. Mourelatos2, V. Tsianika1, D. Papadimitriou1
1BETA CAE Systems USA, 2Oakland University

TYRE FEA modelling using ANSA & META
Kesava Reddy Koduru1, Shivakumar Biradar1, Athanasios Papadopoulos2, Markus Herbst2
1BETA CAE Systems India, 2BETA CAE Systems

ANSA as pre-processor for Code_aster
Roman Fratczak, Maciej Czaplinski
Nobo Solutions

Session 6C

Stamp-Crash process: coupling of Forming and Crash Simulations at BMW
Dr. Janine Mergel1, Andreas Ickes1, Marcel Meder1, Michael Tryfonidis2, Helga Reith1
1BMW Group, 2BETA CAE Systems

Addressing the challenge of late design stage optimization: a passenger car Side Impact case
Michael Tryfonidis, Eva Ioannou
BETA CAE Systems

Crash loadcase setup using Include Configurator tool
Rajiv Pillai
Volvo Group Trucks Technology

Session 6D

External Flow Analysis (CFD) for an Airborne Gimbal
David Lozano
Elbit Systems - ISTAR

Roof racks aerodynamic optimization for a utility vehicle
Inaki Caldichoury, Facundo Del Pin, Rodrigo Paz, Chien-Jung Huang

Latest Development in Volume Meshing for CFD
Vangelis Skaperdas
BETA CAE Systems

Session 7B

The ANSA / LS-DYNA approach for Isogeometric Analysis Simulations
Lambros Rorris1, Attila Nagy2, Stefan Hartmann3, Ioannis Chalkidis4, Anastasios Vafeidis4
1BETA CAE Systems International, 2Livermore Software Technology Corporation, 3DYNAmore GmbH, 4BETA CAE Systems

Connecting Design and Analysis: Explicit Isogeometric Analysis using ANSA and LS-DYNA
Lukas Leidinger1, Stefan Hartmann2, Lambros Rorris3, Roland Wüchner4, Fabian Duddeck4, Lailong Song1
1BMW Group, 2DYNAmore GmbH, 3BETA International, 4TU Munich

Scripting and the World Beyond
Constantin Diez

METAdb as a high-performance results container
Antonis Perifanis
BETA CAE Systems

Session 7A

χMCF v3.0: An interface standard for exchanging weld information within CAD/CAE
Dr. Genbao Zhang1, Carsten Franke2, FAT AK-25
1Volkswagen AG, 2PROSTEP AG

Multidisciplinary spotweld optimization using OPTIM WELDS
R. Nimbalkar1, T. Jankowiak1, V. Gandhi1, R. Bhojan2, A. Kurane2, A. Coppe2, J. Sims1, J. Rakowska2, R. T. Katragadda2
1BETA CAE Systems USA, 2Ford Motor Company

Feature based morphing: a radical change in concept and detailed modeling
Eva Ioannou, George Korbetis
BETA CAE Systems

Automation of multi-disciplinary analysis processes with ANSA/META and optiSLang
Dr. Lars Gräning
Dynardo GmbH

Session 7C

Cellbond-Phitec Finite Element Q-series Crash-Test-Dummy seating procedure, ANSA perspective
Daniele Speziani1, Petros Goutas2, Chamila Bamunuarachchige2, Elena Riscaldina1, Michela Vaira1
1Phitec Ingegneria Srl, 2Cellbond

Automation process for Occupant Safety models with ANSA and LS-DYNA
Dimitrios Perperidis, Michael Meyer, Maximilian Beck, Matthias Bauer, Bruno Clement, Peter Protsch
PSW automotive Engineering GmbH

Evaluation of occupant injury results using META focus on THOR
Fabian Heil, Ricardo Tejero de la Piedra
Opel Automobile GmbH

Modelling of detailed subject-specific FE rib models for fracture prediction
Linus Lundin1, Dr. Johan Iraeus2 Simon Storm1, Bengt Pipkorn3
1ÅF Industry, 2Chalmers University of Technology, 3Autoliv Development

Session 7D

Multidisciplinary simulation of automotive water pumps
Dr. Remo De Donno
Industrie Saleri Italo

Design and CFD analysis of a new rotary gas compressor
Dimitris Vogiatzis2, Evangelos Mallios1, Savvas Savvakis1, Zisis Samaras2,
1theSARMproject, 2Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Automated Morphing and Optimization of blade assemblies in aerospace and automotive applications
Raghu Mohan Reddy Suravaram, Ravi Nimbalkar, Joshua Sims

The pre-processing priority in Fluid-Dynamics Design
Dr. Marco Maganzi1,2, Giovanni Lombardi1, Antonio Ercoli1
1University of Pisa, 2CubitLab

WEDNESDAY MAY 22, 2019 - Morning Sessions 

Session 8

BMW - Next Level Engineering: digitalization of know-how in vehicle development   
Gagan Saket1, Hans-Peter Daunert1, Michael Tryfonidis2
1BMW Group, 2BETA CAE Systems

FE-Basis Model, The birth of a digital assembly line
Paul-Edouard Munch
Dr.Ing.h.c.F. Porsche AG

Session 8B

Multidisciplinary topology and parametric optimization of a BiW, following a unique holistic Process within ACP OpDesign
Alexis Kaloudis
BETA CAE Systems International

BMW - Next Level Engineering: utilizing digitalized know-how through Machine Learning
Gagan Saket1, Michael Tryfonidis2, Dimitrios Siskos3
1BMW Group, 2BETA CAE Systems, 3BETA CAE Systems International

Comprehensive Simulation Run Management: solutions for analysts and model building teams
Irene Makropoulou
BETA CAE Systems

Quality management of CAE data within a SPDM environment
Spyridon Tzamtzis, Irene Makropoulou, Menelaos Pappas
BETA CAE Systems

Session 8A

Modelling of casting structures - A comprehensive investigation
Dr. Octavian Knoll1, Michael Tryfonidis2
1BMW Group, 2BETA CAE Systems

Fast flow simulation using combination of MOLDEX3D and ANSA/META
Jing Jin, Jeffrey Cao
BASF(China) Co., Ltd

Unleashing the full potential of ANSA meshing capabilities for RTM analysis
Panagiotis Fotopoulos
BETA CAE Systems

Development of an efficient tool for modelling plastic parts using Machine Learning
Yoshikazu Nakagawa1, Osamu Ito1, Prakash Krishnaswamy2, Umesh Mallikarjunaiah2
1HONDA R&D Co., Ltd., 2Xitadel CAE Technologies India Pvt Ltd.

Session 8C

Facilitating the industrial implementation of an adaptive Isogeometric Continuum shell element for laminate analysis
Camiel Adams1, Martin Fagerstrom1, Joris J.C. Remmers2, A. Vafeidis3
1Chalmers University of Technology, 2University of Technology Eindhoven, 3BETA CAE Systems

Efficient screening of composite structures using the extended 2D FEM approach in META together with a state-of-the-art Failure Initiation criterion
Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Annika Lundberg
Volvo Car Corporation

Fully automated parameterized model creation of ultra-lightweight carbon fiber wrapped components in ANSA
Pascoe Scholle

Non-Linear multi-scale modelling of composites using ANSA tools
Vangelis Palaiokastritis, Eleftherios Tsivolas
BETA CAE Systems

Session 8D

Efficient watertight preparation tools and methods for CFD meshing at Groupe PSA
Nikolaos Batsaris1, Gael Roy2
1BETA CAE Systems, 2Groupe PSA

Efficient handling of CFD results through compression
Aristotelis Iordanidis
BETA CAE Systems

CAE Processes at MAHLE Thermal Management
Dr. Albrecht Gehring, Dr. Maria Baiker, Dr. Wolfram Kühnel

Automated report generation of corrosion protection simulations
Yannick van Dijk, Elmar Stegmayer, Timo Hopf
BMW Group

WEDNESDAY MAY 22, 2019 - Afternoon Sessions 

Session 9B

Are we ready for huge CAE models?
Stavros Kleidarias
BETA CAE Systems

VR-Supported Engineering Processes at Daimler
Andreas Pau
Daimler AG

Subjective assessment of customer-oriented functions by enriching finite element simulation technology with virtual reality features
Matthias Steinecker, Daniel Heiserer, Rainer Abeltshauser
BMW Group

Session 9A

Impact of transcatheter valve size on the estimation of paravalvular leakage: an FSI study
Laura Iannetti 1, Giulia Luraghi2, Claudio Chiastra2, José Félix Rodriguez Matas2, Francesco Migliavacca2
1BETA CAE Italy, 2LaBS, Dep. of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano

Gait specific optimization of athletic footwear
Alexander Tsouknidas 1, Katerina Tzolva2, Dimitris Drougkas2, Evagelos Karatsis2, Maria Papagiannaki3, Fotini Arabatzi3
1University of Western Macedonia, 2BETA CAE Systems, 3Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Fatigue failure analysis of a humeral implant: a Finite Element approach
Shivkumar Umadi 1,2, Vyjayanthi Murthy2, Dr. Suresh Nagesh2, Dr. Venkateswaran Perumal3
1CORI, 2PES University, 3Stryker

Session 9C

Applying the VMAP interface standard in ANSA for multi-solver simulation processes
Athanasios Fassas, Dr. Georgios Mokios
BETA CAE Systems

How Compare-function can become the secret ingredient for reducing model build-up effort
Michael Tryfonidis
BETA CAE Systems

Session 9D

Simulating installed antenna performance for automotive radar applications
Dr. Christos Liontas, Stefan Frank
Fraunhofer FHR

Specific Absorption Rate Electromagnetic (EM) Simulations in adult and Child tissues
Michel Alhilani1, Seyed Reza Atefi2, Lilla Zollei2, Mohammad Mansouri2, Filiz Yetisir1, Michael H. Lev2, P. Ellen Grant3, Giorgio Bonmassar2
1Newborn Medicine, Boston Children's Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, 2Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, 3Newborn Medicine, Radiology, Boston Children's Hospital/ Harvard Medical School,
Presented by: Milton Pena

Using ANSA / META for electromagnetic simulation applications with Cadence's Clarity 3D EM solver
Wei Wang, Jian Liu
Presented by: Yongjun Liu
Cadence Design Systems

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