BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor and support the hard and ambitious efforts of engineering students teams.

Beihang University AERO Formula Racing Team founded in 2009, is the founding college team of China Formula Student Series (FSC) and has participated in the three sub-events of Formula Oil, Formula E, Unmanned Formula Racing, after thirteen years and thirteen competitions of development and accumulation. AERO Team has become the forefront of competitiveness in the country achieving the first place in many sub-disciplines such as linear acceleration, efficiency test, commercial report, etc., and the second prize of the overall result.
AERO's slogan is: "Ultimate focus, born to win!" Beihang AERO, fly close to the ground! The team has a close organizational structure, outstanding innovation and research and development capabilities and masters a number of core technologies of key racing systems.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor with its software technology the efforts of the team.
May 31, 2023 - BETA CAE Systems China visits Beihang University AERO Formula Racing Team

The Aerospace Team Graz is an Austrian, interdisciplinary team of approximately 60 students who develop their own rocket. The team takes part in international competitions every year, such as the EUROC in Portugal and the Spaceport America Cup in New Mexico. Aerospace Team Graz pays special attention to developing as much as possible by themselves, such as the operating system of the flight-computer and solid fuel and hybrid propulsion system.
BETA CAE Systems supports the team's efforts by contributing its software products.

The University of Alberta Formula Racing team is an interdisciplinary team of students that designs and builds a single-seater, formula style race car to compete in the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International Formula SAE Collegiate Design Competition. Our team is entirely student run and operated, and we provide a unique and enriching environment for students to develop vital real-world skills which better equip graduates for the professional world. BETA CAE Systems helps us achieve these goals with their generous sponsorship, allowing us to incorporate industry leading software solutions into our design process.

AMDA Racing is a student group from the Technical University of Darmstadt that was founded in 2015. AMDA has 20 active members who work together to design and build a combustion racing car. The team’s objective is to participate in the Formula Student events with a new car every year.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor with its software technology the efforts of the team.

The Aristotle Racing Team (art) was founded in 2006, as art-7, by a team of committed students and postgraduate students of the department of Mechanical Engineering of the school of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The mission of the team was to design and build a single seat racing car to compete in the Formula Student competition of 2007.
Since then, the team, with the support of its sponsors, continues its successful course . BETA CAE Systems is proud to be among the sponsors of this team.

In October 2013, the idea of manufacturing an electric racecar at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was born.
Aristotle University Racing Team Electric and Driverless (Arist.u.r.t.le.) is the student research team of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki that designs, develops and manufactures both electric and driverless racecars. In 2016 Aristurtle built the first electric race car in Northern Greece. Since then, each year the team designs and manufactures a race car that competes in a series of international Formula Student competitions against foreign universities. In 2021, our team became the first and only team in Greece to compete in the driverless category to this day.
Our team’s vision is to participate in the popular Formula Student FSAE international competitions so as to win a place on the winners’ podium, in order to achieve a higher score in the world ranking. In addition, Aristurtle aims at the practical application of the students’ theoretical academic knowledge and their familiarization with a professionally structured working environment.

ASPiRE (Aerospace Research Engineering) team was founded in October 2017 by a group of students from the University of Western Macedonia. The common interests in aerospace applications, as well as the willingness to explore and learn unknown and different areas, have been the main reasons for its creation. Since then, it is the official aerospace research team of the University. The team is composed and recruits new members, mainly from three of the Polytechnic Departments of the University (Faculty Of Engineering), the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Department of Chemical Engineering, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to support the team by providing its software technology.

BAU Racing Team is a group of young students from the Beirut Arab University. Our mission was to design and build a racing car to compete in the Formula Student competitions. BAU Racing Team consists of 28 members who form 7 different departments, each under the supervision of a team leader: The unsprung, the aerodynamics and devices, the control, the drive train, the power, the media design, and the management department.
BETA CAE Systems supports the team's efforts by contributing its software products.

BEAM (Beyond Earth Aristotle Missions) is a space technology student association that is established in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The idea for the creation of the team took place in April of 2018 from engineering students of Aristotle University.
Primary goal of the team was to create a research community that is going to participate in space related programs around the world providing new ideas, experiments and innovative solutions in space technology issues.
BETA CAE Systems supports the ambitious efforts of BEAM by offering its software products contributing to its continuous success.

Berkeley Formula Racing (BFR) is a student-run organization at UC Berkeley that designs, manufactures, and competes with a formula-style race car at the Formula SAE competition every year. The team consists of nine different subsystems (Aerodynamics, Brakes and Driver Interface, Business, Chassis, Drivetrain, Electrical, Engine, Suspension, and Vehicle Dynamics) that work together over the school year to prepare for Formula SAE Michigan, a competition between 120 teams in Brooklyn, MI every May. BFR provides its students the opportunity to enhance their engineering design and project management skills through practical application.

The Lawrence Technological University Formula SAE Team began in 1983, where students design, build, and validate a race car annually. The first SAE sanctioned event in Michigan was held on Lawrence Tech's Campus in 1986 in Southfield, Mi. Since then, the Formula SAE collegiate series has progressed to become a global event with competitions held in the USA, Germany, Japan, and many other countries.

The Brunel Masters Motorsport (BMM) team has been competing in Formula Student over the past few years. The team consists of a group of engineers who are currently pursuing MSc in automotive and motorsport engineering at Brunel. The team, comprising of 20 members, aim to design and develop an open wheeled racing car that complies with the rules and regulations set by Formula Student UK to enter the competition for the 2018 season.
The team aims to achieve a design that provides competitive performance, reliability and accessibility for drivers of all skill levels while also meeting the cost and manufacturing targets that have been defined.

Brown Formula Racing is Brown University's premier design and build team. Their goal is to develop and race the generation of a formula-style racecar for FSAE Michigan, the largest collegiate engineering and racing competition of its kind in North America. They pride themselves on running a team where anyone can join and learn regardless of experience or academic concentration. In fact, the majority of the team members have never used the tools or software before joining the team. This makes the learning experience more valuable.
BETA CAE Systems supports the team's efforts by contributing its software products.

The Buckeye Bullet (BB) is an alternative-fuel land-speed racer student project at The Ohio State University, consisting primarily of engineering students. The team has broken 3 world records for electric and hydrogen powered vehicles. The Buckeye Bullet does more than just break world records, the goal of the project is to push alternative fuel to the limits. This allows for a better understanding of the limiting factors of alternative fuel, aiding in the development of more efficient and "greener" vehicles.
BETA CAE Systems contributes to the team via powerful software, enabling the team to create high-quality grid to computationally test the aerodynamics of the vehicle. Computational testing allows the team to reduce costs and better predict flow conditions, resulting in a faster and more stable vehicle design.

Cardiff Racing is the Formula Student team from Cardiff University, UK. Founded in 2001, the team has taken part in Formula Student competitions since 2003, and in 2017 became the first UK-based team to win the UK Formula Student competition. Each car is designed by a group of 4th-year students pursuing a masters’ degree in engineering and is then built and tested by this group plus a voluntary team of students from all years and all academic disciplines.
BETA CAE Systems supports the team's efforts by contributing its software products.

Centaurus Racing Team is a non-profit team established in 2009 that consists of students from different departments of the University of Thessaly based in the city of Volos, Greece.
Centaurus Racing Team's goal is to design and build a racing car and to participate in Formula SAE Student competition held annually in various parts of the world.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to be among the team’s sponsors.

Chalmers Formula Student bridges the gap between engineering education and industry by training students in a real-life project where they independently design, analyze, and develop technology solutions by making data-driven decisions throughout the design, manufacturing, and testing of a full-fledged Formula Racing automobile, and finally put their skills to the test in competitions with various other teams from the rest of the world.
The team designs most of their car focusing on areas such as aerodynamics, carbon fiber frame, suspension, and mechanical powertrain.
Recently, Chalmers Formula Student went further and in addition to building an electric racing Formula Student car, they also made the same car driverless. This car has achieved the top 10 in both manual driving competition and driverless competition.
We are more than glad to support the team’s efforts by providing our software technology.

The CIT Student Racing Team of the School of Automotive Engineering of Changshu Institute of Technology (CIT) was established in March 2013 and participated in the China Formula Student Competition since then. The team, with more than 70 members, has won numerous distinguished positions in national prizes, along with several individual awards. At present, the CIT team has two major teams: one competes with traditional fuel vehicles, and the second with alternative energy vehicles.

City Racing is the Class 1 Formula Student team of City University London's School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. Currently the team is designing the CR14 for entry into Class 1 of the 2014 UK Formula Student competition to be held at the Silverstone Circuit in July 2014.
The Class 1 challenge is to design, build and race a single-seat racing car against other student teams representing Universities worldwide.City Racing is comprised of third and fourth year Engineering students. The cars are designed and built by the students with support and advice provided by the School's academic and technical staff.
The team first completed and entered a car into the July 2003 event. Since then the team has experienced varying levels of success but with new facilities, City Racing is aiming to move up the grid.
BETA CAE Systems supports this innovative team by contributing its software products.

CTU CarTech is Formula Student team from Czech Technical University in Prague.
This project was established at the Czech Technical University in Prague with the aim to provide to students attractive project where they can practically apply the theoretical knowledge obtained by the study. Every year since 2009, we have been developing racing car for international student competition.
We consistently improve the results in this competition despite the often changing team.
We can compete with the top teams in the world despite incomparably lower resources.
Our philosophy is to make reliable car with low center of gravity, low weight and with as many parts we can make in house as possible.
We have also developed the first carbon fiber monocoque for Formula Student race car in the Czech Republic.

Cambridge University Eco Racing (CUER) was founded in 2007, our raison d'être is to design, build and race solar and electric powered cars. In it's history, CUER have built the first solar car to legally drive on UK roads, and is committed to showcasing cutting edge sustainable engineering and demonstrate the incredible potential of electric vehicle technologies.
Our racing cars compete in the bi-annual World Solar Challenge, a 3000km Endurance race held in Australia. The team is completely student run, backed by an advisory board chaired by Hermann Hauser, CBE.
We are a pioneering initiative, bringing students in across all disciplines of engineering and beyond, and allow them to get involved with developing the very latest green technology.
With BETA CAE Systems' support, CUER now has access to world class CFD meshing software, which will allow us to further hone our designs and push back the boundaries of what is possible with a Solar Car!

Democritus Aeronautical Rescue Team was founded in 2018 by students of the Production and Management Engineering Department of Democritus University of Thrace-DUTH in Xanthi, Greece. The goal of DART is to study and construct from scratch an automatic rescue Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) to be used in case of a physical disaster, as the UAS CHALLENGE of IMECHE requires.
With the support of BETA CAE Systems the UAS is one step closer to fly and the DART will continue to… ENGINEER TO RESCUE!

Democritus Industrial Robotics is a research group involved in robotics and its industrial applications. The team was founded in 2018 and is based in the Faculty of Engineering of Xanthi, Greece. DIR is competing in the RoboCup World Final in the RoboCup@Work category of the RoboIndustrial League.
Thus far, DIR has participated in numerous events, organised educational workshops and represented its University, Democritus University of Thrace, in the first Virtual RoboCup Asia Pacific.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to be among the sponsors of the team.

Democritus Racing Team was founded back in 2015 from the Production and Management Engineering Department of Democritus University of Thrace-DUTH in Xanthi,Greece. The team consists of university undergraduate students full of passion and will, intend to represent the university in the international Formula SAE Series races and compete with universities from around the globe.

Dynamics e.V. was founded in 2006 and has been taking part in the most important European events since 2008. Following the current trend in the automotive industry, the team has decided to develop an electric racing car in addition to their combustion vehicle. Dynamics e.V. consists of about 75 students from 12 study fields of different faculties.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to support the efforts of Dynamics e.V. by offering its software products.

Guangzhou City Institute of Technology FSAE-Hua Automobile Team was established in March 2012. Currently, four teachers from the School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Cheng Qingwei, Zhu Cunyao, Chen Zengqi and Fang Yankui, are the team instructors. As of 2022, the team has successfully participated in 10 National Formula Student competitions. The FSCC-China Automobile Team consists of the engine group, suspension steering group, body group, frame group, transmission group, brake group, driver group, commercial group and media group. The team has now successfully developed 11 generations of fuel-powered Formula Ambition race cars.

The Formula Student team Ecurie Aix was founded in 2000 by students of RWTH Aachen University. In 2002, the team participated at the Formula Student with its first car as one of the first German teams. In 2010 and 2011 the team produced the first two electric-powered vehicles parallel to the combustion engine powered cars. Since 2014 it builds exclusively electric-powered vehicles. Currently the team consists of about 80 active members and about 200 alumni.
The 2015 season was the most successful in the team’s history. Participating in Silverstone, Hockenheim and Spielberg, it managed to achieve three overall top ten ranks in the electric vehicle class while being the only one to finish all three endurances and winning the business plan presentation in Spielberg.
ANSA of BETA CAE Systems is the choice of the team for the prepararion of the surface geometry from CAD for CFD-meshing.

Elbflorace is the Formula Student Team consisting of students of Technical University Dresden in Germany.
The team takes part in the competition-class “electric vehicles”, as well as competing in the class of “autonomous vehicles”.
To make this possible, 70 committed students from the fields of mechanical engineering, mechatronics and electrical engineering work together, as do economists, computer scientists and industrial engineers.

Electric Arrow is a team founded by students of the University of Belgrade, former members of the Formula Student team Tenfore Road Arrow, in October 2018.
The knowledge and the experience acquired from the previous team facilitated the realization of the most ambitious project in the team's history, to develop and construct a prototype of an electric racing car, in less than two years for student racing competitions.
The development of an electric powertrain with battery systems and the first monocoque chassis, are among the team's biggest future challenges.

E-TEAM Squadra Corse is the Formula SAE team of the Universitá di Pisa, Italy.
The Universitá di Pisa has been competing in Formula SAE since 2008. Students work together in a team that counts
more than forty people and is structured in several divisions.
The team is a multidisciplinary and dynamic environment where students from mechanical, automotive, electrical, aerospace, and management engineering, economics and liberal
arts work together. BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor this team by offering its software products and to contribute
to its continuous success.

Euroavia Athens is the Affiliated Society (AS) of EUROAVIA, the European Association of Aerospace Students, based at National Technical University of Athens.
The team aims to enhance the connection between students and the aerospace and aeronautics industry and promote practical application and teamwork through technical projects.
The organization of various lectures and educational trips and the attainment of the 14th place in the Air Cargo Challenge 2017, an international competition about the study, design and manufacture of an unmanned aerial vehicle, are solid proofs of the commitment to this cause.
The continuous increase of the number of members and participants in the team's activities result in the constant evolution of the team and encourages hard work and productivity

The Evolution Racing Team Saar e.V. is a Formula Student team which participates at the international events of Formula Student. The members come from the three universities in our state "Saarland" in Germany, the Saarland University, the University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken and the University of Cooperative Education in Neunkirchen.
The Formula Student is a design competition especially held for students to get practical skills next to the theoretical studies.

The Formula Student Team Darmstadt (FaSTDa Racing) has been coping with the challenge of designing Formula Student combustion vehicles since 2009 with the goal to successfully compete against other teams worldwide.
The Team includes about 60 Students from different courses of study.
We are very thankful to use the software from Beta CAE Systems!

Formula Racing at UC Davis (FRUCD) competes in the Formula SAE Electric competition every year. During the year 2021-22, the team took a major leap in design, increasing its voltage and water cooling its drive train. In 2020, an aerodynamics team was also established planning to prototype and test out aerodynamic devices.
BETA CAE Systems is more than proud to sponsor and support one more promising student team.

Founded in 2010, Xingji Racing Team is a professional racing team formed by Hebei University of Technology to participate in the China Formula Student Competition, and has participated in 13 Formula Student Competitions. In recent years, with the strong support of schools, colleges and some relevant social groups, the team has made great leaps in team building and scientific research investment. The fleet has successfully manufactured 12 high-quality oil trucks and two high-quality trams such as "Xingji 1", "Xingji 2", and No. 12.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor with its software technology the efforts of the team.

Founded in 2009, Hefei University of Technology Yueying Racing Team (HFUT Racing Team) is currently the only participating oil team in Anhui Province, with about 25 official team members, in five departments (For Powertrain, Chassis Body, Electrical, and Management). Every year, the team independently develops a fuel formula car and participates in the Formula Student China Competition, showcasing excellent performances. The team aims to participate in the Formula Student Car Championship (FSAE) related competitions, in domestic and foreign competitions. In 2014, the team won the title of the first batch of "Xiaoping Science and Technology Innovation Team".

Since its establishment in 2009, the Herkules Racing Team, takes on the interdisciplinary challenge to develop a Formula One racing car for the largest design competition in the world, Formula Student, every year.
The team carries out this demanding project independently, starting with the first idea, followed by development and design and most importantly the competition itself.
Participation at the Herkules Racing Team (HRT) offers many advantages for the students. Knowledge that was acquired only in theory during one’s studies is put into practice and further technical expertise can be gained. As the hierarchy in the Herkules Racing Team resembles a middle-sized business, the students gather valuable experiences for their future working life. This realistic design project offers the opportunity for everyone to acquire their own experiences and to keep developing personally.
Students of different courses of classical engineering but also linguists and industrial designers work together across a wide range of disciplines. Excellent networking between the individual departments combined with the individual initiative, responsibility and endurance of every single member makes it possible for us to achieve our common goal: The best placing in the competition!

The Impetus Sailing Team is a newly found official student club at the Technical university of Munich. We are focusing on the optimization of sustainable high performance sailing boats. Currently we are developing a boat for a student competition in Italy, which is made out of over 75% of sustainable material.Within the next few years we plan to participate in various student competitions driven by the slogan "engineering maritime circularity".

The Formula Racing Team of Jiangsu University was founded in 2009. Relying on the guidance of the School of Automotive and Transportation engineering of Jiangsu University, the team has always maintained a high level of competition and struggled on behalf of Jiangsu University. The team adheres to the concept of "independence, hard work, and innovation", and within a year, completely independently designs, develops, processes, and assembles a superior Formula One racing car.
Jiangsu University Nanjing Julong Formula E Racing Team, as the first team in Jiangsu Province, is also one of the ten teams that started the race. The team has strong strength and has won excellent results for many times. It led the establishment of the Jiangsu University Tram League in Jiangsu Province (Jiangsu University, Southeast University, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Yangzhou University, Yancheng Institute of Technology.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor with its software technology the efforts of the team.

KA-RaceIng e.V. s a group of 70 students from the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT), independently developing and manufacturing unique race cars, which participate in the international design competition “Formula Student”. About 70 students from different fields are organized like a company and divided into different subteams. Each subteam is responsible for one assembly, which means the members of the subteam take care of their own parts.
We and our business agent, LASSO, support the KA-RaceIng by offering our software products.

Beihang University KMUST Formula Racing Teamfounded in 2009, is one of the founding teams of the Formula Student Competition, which consists of several departments frame and human-computer interaction group, suspension assembly group, empty body set, power electronic control group and operation department. Since participating in the first Formula Student China in 2010, it has participated in the Formula Student China series for 13 consecutive times, and KMUST Team is the only Formula Student team in Yunnan province and one of the few in southwest China. Over the past 13 years, the team has successfully designed and machined 10 oil cars and 4 trams. The team has won the 6th place in the overall results of the China Formula Student Competition, the 8th place in the overall results of the China Formula Student Competition, the first place in fuel economy, and the second place in the figure-eight loop.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor with its software technology the efforts of the team.

KTH Formula Student was founded in 2003, and since then, the team competed continuously in Formula Student competitions. Today, it consists of around 30 students from all educational phases and programs.
KTH Formula Student built several successful cars using internal combustion engines, and later started making electric cars, increasing the scope of the project.
The team's ambition is to be the student project closest to a "real-world engineering experience" at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, not strictly limited to automotive design and racing.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor with its software technology the ambitious efforts of KTH Formula Student team.

LiU Formula Student is a non-profit students' association at Linköping University. At present time our organization has approximately 60 student members. Our team is diverse, with students both at bachelor level as well as master level, from several different programs and nationalities. We compete in the Formula SAE sanctioned event Formula Student. Closely cooperating with the local industries as well as Linköping University, LiU Formula Student annually develops and designs a competition vehicle. We then put our work to the test over the summers, when we compete against other universities internationally. We have an ongoing goal to make a lasting impression amongst the participating universities, but also to develop as engineers and individuals.

Founded in 1986 the MRacing SAE team at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor develops engineers with the engineering knowledge and teamwork experience critical to excelling in any field. It takes special focus, motivation, and commitment to produce a winning team in our series. Each year we design, build, and race a formula-style car against other college teams worldwide.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to be among the sponsors of MRacing SAE Team.

NEXT Prototypes e.V. is a non-profit student organization based at the Technical University of Munich. Founded in 2018, its innovative projects aim at developing future technologies and building advanced prototypes, while giving students the opportunity to apply their skills and gain practical experience. The organisation has succesfully taken part and won in Elon Musks Hyperloop Pod Competition 2019 organized by SpaceX and is currently supporting the TUM Hyperloop research program by the Technical University of Munich. Further projects are being prepared outside the field of Hyperloop technology.
We and our business agent, LASSO Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, support NEXT Prototypes e.V. by contributing our software products.

Founded in 2015, the team currently has more than 40 students from vehicle engineering and related majors, and five instructors are associate professors and above, which is a professional team involving multiple disciplines. Focusing on the development of team cooperation, innovation and practice, we are committed to participating in the Formula Student China (FSCC). In the 2016 season, we participated in the Formula Student China for the first time and won the fifth place in the design and the best rookie award. In the 2017 season, we joined hands with N-II to compete in the China Formula Student Car Competition, winning the "Most Influential Team" award and the third prize overall In the 2018 season, we went to Xiangyang with N-III. and won the third prize in the country and the third place in the northwest. In the 2019 season, we joined hands with N-IV. to fight in Xiangyang again, and successfully completed the race winning the Excellence Award; In October 2023, we went to Xiangyang to participate in the Formula Student China Competition, and our team members soared into the sky with the Nirvana No. 1 car, winning the 17th place in the country and the 23rd place in the country in the endurance race.

Founded in 2006, the North University of China Xingzhi Racing Team was initially focused at the Honda Eco-Saving Car Competition. Since then the team has participated in the competition for several consecutive years achieving remarkable results. In 2012, the school officially established the China Formula Student Car Competition team which completed the design and manufacture of the first Formula Student car 2014, participated in the 2014 China Formula Student Car Competition on behalf of Shanxi Province, and won the fourth place in the cost report, and the fifth place in the cost report with the second-generation racing car "Dream 2.0" in the 15th season. In 2015, the team won the provincial second prize in the "Xingjin Challenge Cup" competition in Shanxi Province, and the second prize in the "North University of China 2016 Enrollment Promotional Film and Micro Film Collection Activity" held by the school's admissions office. In 2016, in the China Formula Student Car Competition in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, Xingzhi Racing Team of North University of China, won the first place in Shanxi Province and the Excellence Award overall. In 2017, the fourth-generation racing car "Dream 4.0" of Xingzhi Racing Team represented the school in the China Formula Student Car Competition andwinning the ninth place in the design report, the second prize in the overall score, and the honor of the most influential team. In the 22nd season, the Xingzhi team of North University of China won the eighth overall result in the FSCC and the national first prize.

Oceanos is a student team of the school of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, National Technical University of Athens.
The team was formed in 2016, and consists of undergraduate and PhD students.
They participate in an annual competition called Hydrocontest, aiming to design and construct two innovative and efficient small boats with electric propulsion.
During the competition, teams from all over the world compete against each other and the fastest and most efficient boats are awarded.

Ontario Tech Racing is a young FSAE Electric team based in Oshawa, Ontario. The team was founded in 2016, attending its first FSAE competition in 2022 at FSAE Michigan. Ontario Tech Racing is entirely student-run by students from all faculties in the university.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to support the team's efforts by contributing its software technology.

Oxford University Racing is a team of undergraduate students from the University of Oxford that aims to build from scratch a single-seat electric race-car to compete in the annual IMechE Formula Student competition. With team members coming from across the undergraduate student body and across the world we are a highly passionate and ambitious team.
The project is entirely student run with the emphasis being put on undergraduates to run every part of the team from meeting with sponsors and designing the team website to the most technical parts of designing a working car. Ultimately the team will compete in both static events, such as a business presentation, as well as dynamics events; which test the limits of our car.

Panther Racing AUTh was created in January of 2017 by students of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering and is the first university team of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki whose aim is to design and construct an original Moto 3 type, racing motorcycle.
Driven by enthusiasm and the knowledge of its predecessors, Panther Racing develops its prototype motorcycle and races in the MotoStudent competition.
BETA CAE Systems supports the team by contributing its software products.

Pitt's Formula SAE team, Panther Racing, is deeply immersed in a dynamic collegiate competition focused on
engineering challenges tied to the design, construction, validation, and competitive prowess of open-wheel,
open-cockpit formula-style race cars. As the team embarks on constructing their 36th car for the upcoming 2024
Michigan International Speedway competition, their annual ritual involves refining their design based on the
wealth of data gleaned from the preceding year's car. This iterative process sharpens their engineering skills
and provides industry-relevant experience, including CAD design, simulation using industry-standard
programs, and hands-on manufacturing techniques such as CNC milling, welding, and cutting-edge additive
Panther Racing has a far-reaching impact that goes beyond mechanical engineering. They welcome students
from various majors, offering them an opportunity to develop skills that apply to different industries.
Students gain unique extracurricular experiences that nurture leadership and
project management skills and reinforce their academic learning.
We are more than happy to support the team’s efforts with our cutting-edge software technology!

PERSEUS Racing was founded in 2014 in the University of Western Macedonia from a group of students with a primary goal to design and build a single-seat race car and participate in the Formula Student annual races.
BETA CAE Systems proudly supports the ambitious efforts of PERSEUS Racing with its leading software solutions.

Policumbent is a Team born in 2009 and made of students from the Politecnico of Torino, orientated to the design and the realization of human powered vehicles and to ride the created prototypes. Our team takes part to several international competitions such as World Championship WHPVA, European HPV Student Challenge and World Human Powered Speed Challenge di Battle Mountain.

Since 2016 Polimi Motorcycle Factory participates in the international competition "Motostudent". We design and develop racing motorbike prototypes, in both Electric and Petrol categories. The competition consists of a theoretical project presentation phase and a final event in the Motorland Aragon circuit, every two years. Having won the prizes "Best Motostudent Petrol" in 2018 and "Best Industrial Project Electric" in 2021. Recently, we have begun the development of the 2023 prototypes having the ambition to compete again at the maximum level in both categories.
BETA CAE Systems supports the team's efforts by contributing its software products.

PoliTo Rocket team is a newly established rocketry student team of Politecnico di Torino, entirely dedicated to the design and construction of high-powered sounding rockets. The team is composed of groups of more than 20 undergraduate and graduate engineering students who want to complete the theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom with projects that involve considerable challenges and solid results.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor the team's efforts with its software technology.

Polito Sailing Team carries out activities of design, construction and management of prototypes of skiffs and moths, small boats with design constraints on dimensions and materials, aimed at encouraging university research. The Team is committed to developing highly innovative solutions that also guarantee excellent performance in regattas. Under the supervision of Prof. Giuliana Mattiazzo, the Team involves about 80 students from the various courses of Politecnico of Torino. BETA CAE Systems contributes to the team's success by offering its software products.

Poseidon Team is a team of students and alumni of T.E.I. Piraeus.
The team works for the design and construction of an eco-friendly electrical velicle, "Trireme".
With this vehicle the team participates to the international competition Shell Eco Marathon.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to support the team's efforts with its technology.

Prom Racing is a team participating in the Formula Student international competitions. Founded in 2008 by students of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) --Faculty of Mechanical Engineering-- who were willing to exceed their knowledge and skills in motorsport. Within months of its foundation Prom Racing Team managed to classify First in Class3 event of Formula SAE competition in Italy. Next goal of the team would be manufacturing a competitive car and participate in Class1 of the Formula Student competitions.

Prometheus Eco Racing is the energy efficiency racing team of the National Technical University of Athens – School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The team’s members, undergraduates and Ph.D. candidates, design and build high-efficiency electric vehicles competing in the annual Shell Eco Marathon efficiency and innovation competition against universities from all over the world. Their vision is to bring light to sustainable and efficient solutions for the electric and generally the automotive industry as well as advance the battery – electric vehicle technology.
BETA CAE Systems proudly supports the efforts of Prometheus Eco Racing with its leading software solutions.

The ROVER&SEVO laboratory emerged as a union of the original ROVER laboratory and SEVO laboratory. It is dedicated to the design and production of marine equipment. Relying on the National Marine Vehicle Competition and the National Electronic Design Competition, it has won national special and first prizes for more than 100 people. Acoustic positioning, catamaran unmanned ship, water sample collection, visual tracking algorithm, underwater robotic arm, VR intelligent somatosensory, underwater engineering operation, intelligent fish detection system in the open sea. The team is conducting full research of the technical content of various fields involved in marine equipment technology, and aspires to be the national blue contribution to economic development
We are more than glad to support the ROVER&SEVO’s efforts by providing our software technology.

Queen's FSAE competes in international competitions organized by the SAE, the University of Toronto, and the University of Pittsburgh. Formula SAE competitions are among the largest and most-esteemed engineering student competitions in the world. Queen's Racing is synonymous with excellence and success and participates in some of the largest student engineering competitions in the world. Queen's Racing team members use ANSA in their CFD workflow, to improve and automate their surface meshing capabilities.

Racing Electric Motostudent (REM) was created by the Students and Professors of the International Hellenic University (Department of Mechanical Engineering), located in Serres. The team is designing and constructing the first electric-powered racing motorcycle in Greece, aiming to participate in international student competitions.
BETA CAE Systems proudly sponsors and supports the efforts of this promising student team.

The South China University of Technology Formula Racing Team was established in November 2009. It is one of the initiators of FSC in China and the manufacturer of the first FSEC in Guangdong Province. The South China University of Technology Formula Racing Team has been designing, manufacturing and competing in fuel race cars since 2009, and has developed ten generations of fuel formula cars by 2019. Since 2014, we have been developing pure Formula E cars, and we have developed ten generations of Formula E cars so far, and since 2019, we have also successfully developed five generations of driverless formula cars. The number of team members is nearly 100 people, mainly majoring in vehicle engineering, and absorbing outstanding students from other majors such as mechanical engineering, automation, electric power, business administration, journalism and communication, etc., and the advantages of the college complement each other.

The Scholars Formula Team of Chongqing University of Technology was established in September 2015.It is the second formula team in Chongqing. The love for racing and the spirit of humbly learning through research, are the fundamental motivators behind the success and the efforts of the team members

The Sapienza Rocket Team was born with the aim of experimenting, perfecting, and building launchers, deepening all the disciplines connected to them: propulsion, mechanics and structural dynamics, aerodynamics, and control systems.
The team is made up of three-year and master's students from the Engineering courses of the Sapienza University of Rome.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to be among the team’s sponsors.

Made up of engineering students from La Sapienza University in Rome, Sapienza Flight Team has been involved for years in the implementation of ambitious projects, participating in international competitions and often achieving excellent results. The objective of these activities is to put into practice the knowledge acquired at the academic level, addressing problems similar to those encountered in the working world, to make students more prepared and aware. Sapienza Flight Team was born with the aim of designing, developing, and building remotely piloted aircraft (UAVs) that must be able to independently perform specific missions.
We are glad to sponsor the efforts of the team by providing our software technology.

The association Scuderia Mensa HS RheinMain Racing e.V. includes the Formula Student team from the university of applied sciences Hochschule RheinMain in Rüsselsheim, Germany. The Scuderia Mensa develops, constructs, manufactures and tests a racing car annually. With this racing car, the team takes part in three international events. The last season showed that our simulations were not efficiently constructed and executed. We were not happy with our validations either. This season, with the help of BETA CAE Systems, we run more simulations to converge on better solutions to our design issues.

The University of Michigan Solar Car Team is an entirely student-run organization that designs and builds solar electric vehicles. The team races both nationally and internationally. Since its establishment in 1990, the team has built 11 vehicles, won the American Solar Challenge seven times, and placed third in the World Solar Challenge four times. The team is recognized as the most successful team in North America.

Founded in 2015, Team Sonnenwagen Aachen is an association of enthusiastic students working towards the future of sustainable electromobility. With the support of RWTH Aachen University, we are developing and constructing a solar-powered car to participate in an emission-free race across Australia: the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, 3022kms from Darwin to Adelaide.
After completing the race in 2017 with our first car, we're currently developing a second generation vehicle with further improved aerodynamics, light-weight design and efficiency.

Squadra Corse of Polytechnic University of Turin is a team formed in 2005 by a group of automotive engineering students by a common passion for motorsport.
The team starts building combustion vehicles, passing through hybrid ones, for the last generation of electric cars up to now. Squadra Corse competes in Formula SAE championship, currently placing as the first electric team in Italy.

The Team S55 is a team of students of the Politecnico di Torino, Italy. The aim of the team is to provide all the necessary engineering support to the "Replica S55" project in order to permit to build a flying "Replica" of the S55 Seaplane, a complete wooden airplane made in Italy in 1924.
The engineering team is involved in performing the aerodynamic and flying mechanical simulation in order to define the S55 flight envelope and the load conditions to be considered in the structural analysis based on a Finite Element Model.

TUCer (Technical University of Crete Eco Racing) team manufactures zero emission vehicles, developed entirely at Machine Tools and Intelligent Systems and Robotics Laboratories of the Technical University of Crete. Each vehicle is a platform for experimentation problems which are associated with low consumption, driving safety and autonomous navigation. It covers educational and research needs aiming at continuous development and improvement of its performance. The first vehicle was built at 2008 and until 2013 two more one-seated urban concept vehicles followed. In May 2008 TUCER participated in the first international fuel consumption competition, Shell Eco Marathon. The competition aims to develop environmentally friendly technologies for vehicles, targeting lowest possible fuel consumption. This year (2013) participated for the sixth time in the contest and was ranked 4th in Europe. Its achievements include four international awards (three 1st prize awards and one People’s Choice award).

The TUfast Moto Team, founded in 2023 as part of TUfast e.V., is committed to offering students the opportunity to work on advanced motorsport projects, specifically focusing on electric racing motorcycles. The team is dedicated to addressing the unique challenges posed by electric two-wheelers, from high-performance powertrain development to vehicle dynamics tailored for motorcycles. By combining rigorous academic knowledge with hands-on engineering experience, they aim to pioneer future technologies in electric mobility.
Through these projects, TUfast prepares the next generation of engineers to lead innovation in the rapidly evolving electric motorcycle industry, contributing to sustainable and competitive motorsport.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to support the TUfast Moto Team by providing our state-of-the-art software solutions, enabling them to push the boundaries of electric racing technology.

Tyφοοn (typhoon) MotoRacing UoWM is the Team created by Students and Professors of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Macedonia. Goal of our Team is to design, manufacture and evaluate an innovative racing motorbike prototype in the category of 250cc with a 4 stroke engine, which is then put to the test and final evaluation at the Motorland Aragón Circuit. It's the first motorcycle team of the University of Western Macedonia and the Greece's very first. Tyφoon MotoRacing will first appear at the IV International MotoStudent Competition promoted jointly by the Moto Engineering Foundation & the TechnoPark MotorLand, staged in Spain for 2016. Since our attempt constitutes the first ever participation of any Greek University at any Competition of this kind and there lies a heavy burden to our Team's shoulders. We will have to prove our creativity and innovation skills by directly applying our engineering abilities against other teams from universities all over the world during a period of three semesters.

UniBo Motorsport is the Formula SAE Team belonging to the University of Bologna, Italy. UniBo is a group of young and dynamic students determined to do the best for achieving their goals.
The team was born in 2009 thanks to the passion of a small group of Engineering students belonging to CTM – Club Tecnica e Motori student association created to bring together the academic reality and the industrial one, with a specific interest in the automotive world.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor and support one more promising team of students

UniPR Racing Team was founded in 2007: the team participated in the FSAE Italy Event at the Fiorano circuit, taking a place on the podium for the best design. The following years brought excellent results that ranked the team among the best teams in Italy, opening the doors to international competitions. After the sixteenth place at the Formula Student East 2021 event, the team has achieved a brilliant fifth place in the overall ranking during the Formula SAE Italy event at the “Riccardo Paletti” Circuit.
BETA CAE Systems proudly supports the ambitious efforts of UniPR with its leading software solutions.

The UPBracing Team is an outstanding student project team at the University of Paderborn that specializes in the development and construction of racing cars. It was founded in 2007 and consists of about 60 dedicated students from different disciplines. The team's goal is to find innovative solutions and push the limits of technology in motorsports. In particular, the UPBracing Team has focused on participating in Formula Student, a worldwide competition series in which student teams design and build race cars to compete in various disciplines.
The UPBracing team has an impressive track history. It has participated in various national and international racing competitions and won numerous awards. In 2016, the team placed second in Formula Student Germany, one of the most prestigious competitions in the series. In 2021, we even managed to win first place overall in Alpe Adria with the last combustion engine. The UPBracing team has also excelled in other competitions, such as Formula Student Austria and Formula Student Czech Republic.

UPC ecoRacing is a technological research association formed by engineering students from the ESEIAAT -UPC (The School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) with the main objective of developing new eco-friendly technologies in the automotive field. One of the main activities in UPC ecoRacing is the creation of a single-seat racing car, in order to participate in International Formula Student events.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to contribute to the team’s success by offering its software products.

UoPRacing Team is the Formula Student team of the University of Patras in Greece. Founded in 2002 and being supported by the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS), the team has built three internal combustion engine cars, as well as the first fully electric Formula Student car in Greece.
The main goal of the team is innovation and education, with about 150 students participating through the last 10 years. Having achieved significant milestones and wins in design and cost events and competition classes throughout the years, the team will continue to invest in the next generation of engineers, by designing and building innovative electric racecars.
With Beta CAE Systems’ support, the team has now access to world-class pre- and post-processors, enhancing the potential for high quality simulations for our next racecar.

The University of Toronto Formula Racing Team is an undergraduate engineering design team
that designs and builds a small formula-style race car to compete in the international Formula
Student and Formula SAE design competitions.
Every year, the team builds on prior learning to revise its design and manufacture a brand new car.

UVigo Motorsport is the Formula Student team of the University of Vigo, the only FS team in Galicia.
The team is made up of students from the University of Vigo across its three campuses: Pontevedra, Ourense, and Vigo, with nearly 100 students from various fields of study, mainly engineering, particularly Mechanical, Industrial, and Aerospace engineering.
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the team, and UVigo Motorsport will build its tenth car, the UM25, which hopes to at least match, if not improve upon, the results of last season (UM24), the best to date.
BETA CAE Systems proudly supports the efforts of the team by providing our advanced software solutions, helping them achieve their ambitious goals.

The Vattenfall Solar Team is a student solar racing team that pursues to raise public awareness of the possibilities of solar energy and sustainable technology by competing in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge and the SASOL Solar Challenge. The team is based in Delft, The Netherlands and consists of sixteen highly motivated students from various educational backgrounds that build a new solar car every two years. Over the past twenty years, the Vattenfall Solar Team managed to win the World Solar Challenge seven times and the SASOL Solar Challenge three times.

Founded in October 2009, Xihua University Formula Fuel Team is a student science and technology innovation team led by the School of Automotive and Transportation of Xihua University. The establishment of the team aims to exercise the practical innovation ability of the students in school, so that they can better combine theoretical knowledge with practical operation.
With the financial support of the school and all sectors of society, the team has completed the research and development of the 82nd generation race car and participated in the 12th generation China Formula Student Car Competition. In the first 12 competitions, the team won a number of individual awards, including the first place in styling design, the first place in fuel economy, the second place in high-speed obstacle avoidance, the second place in durability test, the outstanding engineering award, the best production quality award, etc., and won the third place in the overall performance of the first Formula Car Competition.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor with its software technology the efforts of the team.

Project Zephyr is an American team of students that designs, constructs, and tests supersonic recovery systems on sounding rockets.
Zephyr is one of several student-led engineering teams under the parent organization, ERFSEDS.
Some of the applications of research include atmospheric reentry, effects of high-G forces on avionics and airframes, and aerodynamic analysis of super and transsonic flows. Furthermore, the Zephyr's work supports it's parent club with the development of technology for competition rockets and other research projects.

The Shell Eco Marathon team Zero Fuel was founded 2015 by students of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
The main project goal is the design and construction of an ultra-low consumption single seater vehicle, which will participate in the competition Shell Eco Marathon (July) 2017.
BETA CAE Systems is proud to sponsor and support one more promising team of students from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.