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White Papers & Presentations


Virtual Reality Improves Remote Collaboration
Digital Engineering, December 10, 2020 

Simulation and analysis current and future trends
Benchmark Magazine, NAFEMS, October 2018 

Digital Engineering interviews BETA CAE at CAASE 18 

Process and Data Management

BETA CAE Systems software suite interaction with SimManager 

Integrating Teamcenter Simulation Process Management with ANSA 

Simulation Model and Run Management

Multivariant / Multidiscipline Model Build Up using ANSA

Modular Run Management

Model comparison in ANSA & META 

Process Automation

An introduction to the BETA GUI Development Library 

Automation Capabilities in META: Post-Toolbars

Results-based mesh refinement with ANSA / META pre- and post- processing suite

Crash and Safety

Solutions for Crash & Safety

ANSA Model Checks for LS-DYNA

Dummy positioning and restraining using ANSA & META

META Post-Processor Toolbars for Crash and Safety

Pre-processing tools for Interior Safety simulation in ANSA

Pre- & post-processing tools in ANSA & META for Pedestrian Safety simulation

Increasing passive safety performance using an automatic CAE methodology

HBM positioning using Articulation and Marionette tools

The Occupant Injury Criteria tool

Occupant Safety prediction with Machine Learning

Engineering Simulation tools for HBM analyses


ANSA & META for Squeak and Rattle model set up and analysis with the E-LINE method

Acoustic cavity meshing techniques


ANSA & META for Fatigue analyses

Model set up for MSC Nastran Embedded Fatigue (NEF)

Integrated Verity® weld definition tool for ANSA users


ANSA and META for exterior noise analyses with ACTRAN

Tire Simulation

Tire simulations pre- & post- processing

Vehicle tire simulation using ANSA & META

Thermal Analysis

Set up of a RadTherm case in ANSA


ANSA & META features for CFD - presentation

CFD case study of the DrivAer model with ANSA and OpenFOAM

University of Pisa: Application of ANSA optimization tools to automotive HVAC system

WR Digital adopts ANSA for Complete and Successful Motor Racing CFD Modeling

CFD Progetti - Integration of ANSA in an Open-Source Environment


References to ANSA and META in the CFD literature


The FiberSIM® Analysis InterfaceTM for ANSA

Composite Materials Multi Objective Optimization using ANSA, META and modeFRONTIER


Benefits of optimization with parametric mesh morphing: ANSA and META integration in pSeven 

Beam Section Optimization tool: a BiW optimization case 

Optimization process for products made with Additive Manufacturing 

EnginSoft: Packaging Optimization driven by parametric morphing: development of an automatic methodology

Volvo Car Corporation: An automated approach to speed up concept creation and validation based on flow optimization

Topology and Shape optimisation using the Tosca-ANSA Environment

ANSA & META for Nastran Solution 200

Optimisation of Spotwelds distribution using ANSA and META

Coupling ANSA to LS-OPT® for optimisation applications

ANSA, LS-OPT®, META: A complete software set for optimisation

Composite Materials Multi Objective Optimization using ANSA, META and modeFRONTIER

Design Optimization using Fluid-Structure Interaction and Kinematics Analyses

Multibody Dynamics

ANSA KINETICS tool for Multi Body Dynamics

Introduction to the ANSA Kinetics Tool

ANSA Kinetics Tool tutorial: Contact Simulation of a Valvetrain mode

Molding Analysis

ANSA & META for Injection Molding simulation

Overview of ANSA and Moldex3D Coupling

Inverse Forming

One-step sheet metal forming with the aid of the ANSA Inverse Forming Tool

Virtual Quality Control

Virtual Clamping Tool: Eliminating physical clamping processes with the aid of engineering simulation

Eliminating physical clamping processes with the aid of Engineering Simulation 


Model set-up for Abaqus/Standard - Abaqus/Explicit Co-Simulation with ANSA

Results mapping with ANSA

Virtual Reality & Visualization

META performance enhancements 

Virtual Reality in META 

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