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As the automotive industry is reshaped, by the rising of the emerging markets, and becomes more global, the efforts of the automakers are focused on creating flexible modular platforms to enable them to cover easily the different regional preferences. Environmental regulations also put pressure on automakers to invest in powertrain technology while safety plays an important role as a decision making parameter for the consumers.

With more than 20 years of experience in the automotive industry, BETA CAE Systems S.A, through its flagship product, ANSA / META -pre and -post processing suite, and the newly introduced SPDRM, offer a complete solutions toolbox to cover even the most demanding CAE processes in the industry for all disciplines such as Durability, Crash and Safety, CFD and NVH, Powertrain.

Solutions Highlights

The meshing capabilities offered by the ANSA / META suite cover even the most demanding standards in mesh quality and mesh generation speed. In ANSA the mesh quality is easily checked and identified violating elements can be easily fixed manually or automatically. The connections modeling through representations and automatic definitions, makes assembly modeling easier than ever. Additionally, ANSA offers a wide range of multiple semi and fully automated tools for the creation of welding models and contact definitions. Through the connection manager multiple connection type definitions are realized in a single step saving valuable time.

In alliance with the suppliers of Crash Test Dummy models, ANSA supports the commonly used dummy models and structure trees. Within ANSA, the positioning and articulation of Dummies, respecting the joints’ rotation stop angles, is significantly facilitated. ANSA also offers the functionality for intuitive restraining for seatbelts systems definition and fitting. Additionally, Dummy-seat penetration and coupling of dummy and seat that allows the combined movement of both is also available.

Powerfull and innovative functionality is provided for pedestrian safety tools such as the EuroNCAP v6.0, EuroNCAP Grid Proposal 2010, EU phase 1&2, JNCAP, and TRIAS 63. Interior impact protection tools are also offered namely the FMVSS 201U calculation of target points and automatic positioning of the FMH, FMVSS226 ejection mitigation, Instrumental panel impact protection tools (FMVSS 201 / ECE-R21), and Seat impact (ECER17, ECCR21, FMVSS202A) calculation of zones, positions on headform.

Weight optimizations are now an easy task using ANSA and META pre- and post- processors. Our suite couples directly with the established optimizers offering the automatic meshing quality improvement of the optimized model. Within ANSA engineers can perform morphing on both geometry and FE meshes with automatic mesh reconstruction according to the desired quality criteria.

For performing motion analyses, to analyze the dynamics of mechanical systems, such as suspensions, the Kinetics tool of ANSA offers an advanced Multi-Body Dynamics (MBD) solution. The implemented tire modeling solution, through the available tire models, provides the capability to study the interaction between tires and road surfaces.

ANSA Task Manager (an integrated workflow manager) and scripting language provides a unique modeling solution for automated and effective applications. META incorporates a unique range of powerful tools to set up automated 3D and 2D post processing tasks. Special action based language (session), Python programming and user defined toolbars can boost productivity offering limitless automation capabilities.

The Common model concept offers breakthrough solutions to everlasting problems in CAE such as, the need to build-up, maintain and update multiple models per discipline, work on data from different CAD systems, and receive the information for connectivity from different sources. Through ANSA it is now possible to have one ANSA database which serves as a neutral file carrying all the information enabling the parallelized evolution of a model for multidisciplinary analyses.


Multivariant / Multidiscipline Mode Build Up using ANSA  

Selected Cases

AW Engineering: Time reduction for Automatic Transmissions CAE analysis results post-processing  

Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Automobile R&D Center: Exterior Acoustics full vehicle model generation  

Adam Opel AG: Using ANSA in Pedestrian Safety Analysis  

An insight to applications based on ANSA to the BMW CAE processes  

Virtual Prototyping  

FEM Body In White modelling process  


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