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Our extensive range of publications, conference presentations of customers projects, advanced solutions, and tools demonstrations, will help you be up-to-date about successful practices, methods, and tools.
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"Positioning Human Body Models based on experimental data (Fokylidis - Maria Oikonomou for BETA JP who sponsor the event)", Automotive CAE Forum 2023, February 9-10,2023 , ONLINE, Y. Nakamura, BETA CAE Systems Japan Inc

"Handling complex parameterization using automation for structural performance optimization", NAFEMS World Congress 2023, May 15-18,2023 , Tampa, Florida, USA, R. Nimbalkar

"Generation of Modal Map using reduced order full system NVH model", NAFEMS World Congress 2023, May 15-18,2023 , Tampa, Florida, USA, S. R. Bhatta, D. Lokesha, V. Akula, BETA CAE Systems USA Inc

"Creating a physics based high-fidelity NVH CAE model using simulated annealing", NAFEMS World Congress 2023, May 15-18,2023 , Tampa, Florida, USA, V. Akula, D. Lokesha, S. Bhatta, BETA CAE Systems USA Inc

"Production-level implementation of SDM for automotive crash/safety teams", NAFEMS World Congress 2023, May 15-18,2023 , Tampa, Florida, USA, I. Makropoulou, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Optimization and Quick Verification of an Electric Vehicle Side-frame Design using Machine Learning Methods", NAFEMS World Congress 2023, May 15-18,2023 , Tampa, Florida, USA, C. Chatzigeorgiadou, A. Papadopoulos, D. Drougkas, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Addressing challenges in the BiW model build-up process in AUDI AG", NAFEMS World Congress 2023, May 15-18,2023 , Tampa, Florida, USA, T. Fassas, S. Karastamatiadis, BETA CAE Systems, R. Lindner, AUDI AG

"VMAP Presentation - Breaking the communication borders among different solvers", NAFEMS World Congress 2023, May 15-18,2023 , Tampa, Florida, USA, T. Fassas, G. Mokios, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Occupant Safety prediction using real crash conditions", NAFEMS World Congress 2023, May 15-18,2023 , Tampa, Florida, USA, D. Drougkas, P. Kagioglou, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Elevating Maritime Design to a higher level with advanced Engineering Simulation", COMPIT 2023, May 23-25,2023 , Druebeck, Germany, E. Ioannou, G. Korbetis, BETA CAE Systems SA

"A novel tool for HBM Variants Generation based on the occupant’s BMI", 2023 IRCOBI Europe conference, September 13-15,2023 , Cambridge, UK, D. Zouzias, Ath. Fokylidis, BETA CAE Systems SA, L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG

"Simulation coupling & transferring of results across calculations", 28th Regional SIMULIA Users Meeting 2023 (SIMULIA RUM Poland), October 12-13,2023 , Poznan, Poland, I. Nerantzis, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Latest ANSA developments for IGA modeling", 14th European LS-DYNA Conference 2023, October 18-19 Oct,2023 , Baden-Baden, Germany, L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, I. Chalkidis, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Comparative study of positioning HBM to cycling postures based on experimental data", 14th European LS-DYNA Conference 2023, October 18-19 Oct,2023 , Baden-Baden, Germany, Maria Oikonomou, Athanasios Lioras, BETA CAE Systems SA, Lambros Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, Thomas Nikodelis, Athanasios Mihailidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

"From topology optimization to 3D geometry for a BiW subjected to multiple, crash and static, load cases", 14th European LS-DYNA Conference 2023, October 18-19 Oct,2023 , Baden-Baden, Germany, A. Kaloudis, BETA CAE Systems International AG

"Assessment of loadings and Kinematics during Impacts through a Novel Tool for HBM Variants Generation method", 14th European LS-DYNA Conference 2023, October 18-19 Oct,2023 , Baden-Baden, Germany, D. Zouzias, Ath. Fokylidis, Ath. Lioras, BETA CAE Systems SA, L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG

"Performing active suspension control in 1D simulation using high order Functional Mock-up Units", NAFEMS International Multiphysics Conference 2023, November 14-15,2023 , Munich, Germany, D. Daniel, Ath. Mademlis, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Closures deformation optimization considering Kinetic system", NAFEMS International Multibody Dynamics Conference 2023, November 14-15,2023 , Munich, Germany, A. Paraschoudis, BETA CAE Systems SA, Jinsoo Shin, Hyundai Motor Company

"Addressing positioning challenges for ATDs and HBMs for LS-DYNA industrial safety simulations: Embracing ANSA approach", North American LS-DYNA User Forum 2023, November 15-16,2023 , Detroit, USA, D. Pandeti, BETA CAE Systems USA Inc

"Managing and assembling full-vehicle digital crash models using ANSA techniques", North American LS-DYNA User Forum 2023, November 15-16,2023 , Detroit, USA, A. Kaloudis, BETA CAE Systems International AG

"PositioningHuman Body Models in Cyclists’posturesbased on experimental data", 11th International Cycling Safety Conference, November 15-17,2023 , The Hague, Netherlands, M. Oikonomou, Ath. Lioras, BETA CAE Systems SA, L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, J. Iraeus, Chalmers University of Technology, Ath. Mihailidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

"Latest ANSA developments for the creation of IGA LS-DYNA models", North American LS-DYNA User Forum 2023, November 15-17,2023 , Detroit, USA, L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG

"Fatigue life investigation as a part of a complete design optimization process", NAFEMS Modeling Dynamics, Fatigue and Fracture, November 22-23,2023 , Roskilde, Denmark, G. Korbetis, Chr. Tegos, BETA CAE Systems


"Geometry pre-processing with ANSA for Clarity EM analysis", CadenceLIVE Europe 2022, November 21-22, Munich, Germany, Authors: C. Liontas, A. Papadopoulos, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Biofidelic Positioning and Post-processing of Human Body Models with ANSA and META", Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering 2022, November 16-17, Wiesbaden, Germany, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, N. Tzolas, A. Lioras, A. Fokylidis, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Industrializing IGA in the automotive industry", IGA 2022, November 6-9, Banff, Canada, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, I. Chalkidis, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Automating simulation processes for Squeak and Rattle Hot-zone detection", NAFEMS NORDIC 2022 Regional Conference, October 25-26, Gothenburg, Sweden, Authors: M. Bayani, Volvo Car Corporation, T. Fokylidis, S. Porikis, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Machine learning in feature detection and treatment of automotive parts", NAFEMS NORDIC 2022 Regional Conference, October 25-26, Gothenburg, Sweden, Authors: N. Drivakos, P. Floratos , BETA CAE Systems SA, E. Doulgerakis, BETA CAE Nordic AB

"Biofidelic Positioning of Human Body Models (HMB) in ANSA", Nordic LS-DYNA Users’ Conference 2022, October 18-19, Gothenburg, Sweden, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, N. Tzolas, A. Fokylidis, BETA CAE Systems SA

"ANSA: Recent Advancements in Iso-Geometric Analysis (IgA) for LS-DYNA models", Nordic LS-DYNA Users’ Conference 2022, October 18-19, Gothenburg, Sweden, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, N. Tzolas, BETA CAE Systems SA

"Establishing a batch mapping process to enable water loads simulation validation", 27th Regional SIMULIA Users Meeting, October 13-14, Poznań, Poland, Authors: I. Nerantzis, M.Tryfonidis, BETA CAE Systems SA, M. Sittenberger, BMW Group

"Predicting and evaluating Squeak and Rattle using BETA suite tools", 12th Squeak and Rattle Forum in Mönchengladbach, September 21-22, Mönchengladbach, Germany, presented by S. Porikis, BETA CAE Systems SA

"TAITherm-OpenFOAM coupling in CoTherm using ANSA/META", ThermoAnalytics UGM 2022, September 6-8, Munich, Germany, presented by D. Souliotis, BETA CAE Systems USA.

"Biofidelic positioning and post-processing of GHBMC Human Models with ANSA and META", Elemance 2022 GHBMC Users' Workshop, August 16, Plymouth, Michigan, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, N. Tzolas, A. Lioras, BETA CAE Systems SA.

" Pre- and post- processing for engineering simulations with Human Body Models", Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2022, July 5-6, Hanau, Germany, presented by D. Zouzias, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"ANSA and META for IMPETUS simulations", Impetus conference 2022, June 28-29, Flekkefjord, Norway, presented by E. Iordanidou, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Finite Element study on the proximal fixation of a stent-graft: Impact of the aortic arch angulation", ESB 2022, June 26-29, Porto, Portugal, Authors: A. Ramella, J. Matas, F. Migliavacca, Politecnico di Milano, L. Iannetti, BETA CAE Systems Italy.

"Vibration based Fatigue assessment of critical components under Full System NVH loads using Dirlik Method", NAFEMS Americas Conference 2022, June 21-23, Indianapolis, USA, Authors: SR. Bhatta, D. Lokesha, V. Akula, LG. Sashayala, BETA CAE Systems USA. 

"Enhanced Full system NVH designs using reduced model integration", NAFEMS Americas Conference 2022, June 21-23, Indianapolis, USA, Authors: V. Akula, SR. Bhatta, D. Lokesha, LG. Sashayala, BETA CAE Systems USA. 

"Advantages of utilizing SPDM workflows for near real time CAE design updates", NAFEMS Americas Conference 2022, June 21-23, Indianapolis, USA, Author: S. Banda, BETA CAE Systems USA. 

"Multidisciplinary Spotweld and Adhesive Optimization using Optim Welds", NAFEMS Americas Conference 2022, June 21-23, Indianapolis, USA, Authors: R. Suravaram, R. Nimbalkar, M. Baddam, V. Gandhi, BETA CAE Systems USA, A. Coppe, E. Pires, Ford Motor Company USA. 

"Positioning and evaluation of Human Body Models with ANSA and META", Automotive CAE Forum 2022, February 9-10, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, T. Lioras, N. Tzolas, BETA CAE Systems SA.


"Real-Time Biofidelic positioning of Human Models with ANSA", JSOL CAE Forum 2021, November 30- December 3, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems AG, T. Lioras, N. Tzolas, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Advanced and Complex Nonlinear Simulation Efforts: A Case Study of High Performance Parabolic Leaf Spring for Trucks", HxGN LIVE Japan 2021, November 11-12, Yokohama, Japan, presented by H.Sumi, BETA CAE Systems Japan.

"Eliminating errors during model build process", NAFEMS World Congress 2021, October 25-29, Authors: M. Stampouli, A. Fassas, S. Karastamatiadis, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Management of CAE model variants within an SDM environment", NAFEMS World Congress 2021, October 25-29, Authors: S. Tzamtzis, I. Makropoulou, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Automated post-processing of Crash & Safety simulation and physical tests results", Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2021, October 19-20, presented by N. Tzolas, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Optimization driven design of motorcycle swingarm", HxGN Live Design & Engineering 2021, October 12-15, presented by D. Drougkas, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"Addressing complexity in highly non-linear simulations: A case of truck high-performance parabolic leaf spring", HxGN Live Design & Engineering 2021, October 12-15, presented by K. Tzovla, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"Hybrid IGA/FEA vehicle crash simulations with trimmed NURBS-based shells in LS-DYNA", 13th European LS-DYNA Conference 2021, October 6-7, Authors: L. Leidinger, S. Hartmann, DYNAmore GmbH, D. Benson, A. Nagy, ANSYS LST, L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, I. Chalkidis, BETA CAE Systems SA, F. Bauer, BMW Group.

"Assembly of full-vehicle digital crash models using ANSA techniques", 13th European LS-DYNA Conference 2021, October 6-7, Author: A. Kaloudis, BETA CAE Systems International AG.

"Creation of 3D geometry from topology optimization results, for thin-walled, casted and additive manufacturing parts", 13th European LS-DYNA Conference 2021, October 6-7, Authors: A. Kaloudis, BETA CAE Systems International AG, A. Poulias, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Latest advancements for IGA model creation with ANSA", 13th European LS-DYNA Conference 2021, October 6-7, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, I. Chalkidis, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Real Time Biofidelic positioning of Human Models with ANSA", 13th European LS-DYNA Conference 2021, October 6-7, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International GA, A. Lioras, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Experience a complete virtual crash and safety laboratory with the aid of the ANSA pre-processor", 13th European LS-DYNA Conference 2021, October 6-7, Authors: A. Lioras, A. Fokylidis, E. Dagdilelis, S. Porikis, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Introducing IGA to the automotive industry. Adapting current practices and workflows to the new paradigm", Virtual International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis 2021, September 27-29, presented by L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG.

"Development of CFD technique to simulate the hemodynamic effects of the Cardioband implantation", CMBBE 2021, September 7-9, presented by L.Ianetti, BETA CAE Systems Italy.

"Simulation-driven decision making in stent device design", CMBBE 2021, September 7-9, presented by L.Ianetti, BETA CAE Systems Italy, E.Karatsis, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Committee grids for test case 2", 2nd Automotive CFD Prediction Workshop, August 26-27, Virtual, presented by V.Skaperdas, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"Industrial applications - research focus on the mechanical response of porous materials", 7th International online Summer School on Advanced Material Systems, July 12-16, Virtual, presented by C.Tegos, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Coupled Simulation of an Electric-Vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Using ANSA and META", Electric Vehicle Innovations Asia Summit 2021, June 29-30, Virtual, presented by S.Mohanty, BETA CAE Systems India. 

"High Fidelity Automated CFD Meshing for the Aerospace Sector", NASA Advanced Modeling and Simulation (AMS) Seminar Series, June 15, Virtual, presented by V.Skaperdas, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"Real-Time Biofidelic Positioning of Human Models with ANSA", Virtual Testing – Human Modeling in Pedestrian Protection, May 18, Virtual, presented by L.Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG.

"Streamlining Brake Squeal DOE Simulations", Eurobrake 2021, May 17-21, Virtual, Authors: I.Karypidis, BETA CAE Systems SA, F. Zaramella, BETA CAE Italy Srl.  


"Expanding the Capabilities of Post-Processor Databases", NAFEMS Nordic Conference 2020, November 16-17, Author: G.Skouvaklis BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Machine Learning: A strong ally in the CT-scan to FE-model journey", NAFEMS Nordic Conference 2020, November 16-17, Authors: E.Mezitis, BETA CAE Systems China, E.Karatsis, P.Michailidis, E.Baksiova, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Efficient handling and version updating of complex CFD models through a streamlined Model Build approach", NAFEMS UK Conference 2020, November 9-10, Authors: M.Aboukhedr, N.Mitroglou, BETA CAE Systems UK.

"Artificially Intelligent segmentation of a shock absorber X-ray CT scan and beyond", NAFEMS UK Conference 2020, November 9-10, Authors: E.Mezitis, BETA CAE Systems China, E.Karatsis, P.Michailidis, E.Baksiova, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Enhancing interoperability of BETA products within complex CAE workflows by adopting and integrating the VMAP standard", VMAP International Conference on CAE Interoperability 2020, October 19-20, presented by A.Fassas & G.Mokios.

"Topologieoptimierung von orthotropen Materialien mit Materialorientierung", DACH VIRTUELLE KONFERENZ, October 13-14, Authors: T.Fassas, P.Pantazidis, D.Drougkas, S.Chatzimoysiadis, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Next Level Engineering - Auf dem Weg zu einem intelligenten Produktentwicklungs Prozess", DACH VIRTUELLE KONFERENZ, October 13-14, Authors: M.Tryfonidis, BETA CAE Systems SA, G.Saket, BMW Group.

"Effiziente Werkzeuge und Methoden für die Aufbereitung von wasserdichten CFD-Netzen bei Groupe PSA", DACH VIRTUELLE KONFERENZ, October 13-14, Authors: N.Batsaris, A.Karasavvidis, BETA CAE Systems SA, G.Roy, Groupe PSA.

"Untersuchung der Anatomie eines Stoßdämpfers basierend auf CT-Daten", DACH VIRTUELLE KONFERENZ, October 13-14, Presented by M.Tryfonidis, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"ANSA Integration: optimization with parametric mesh morphing", DATADVANCE User Conference 2020, October 6, Presented by D.Drougkas, BETA CAE Systems SA & A.Saratov, DATADVANCE

"Impact of transcatheter aortic valve size on the estimation of paravalvular leakage: an FSI study", Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Published online: 14 Sep 2020,  

"Vehicle NVH Analysis Based on Loads from a Multi Body Simulation: An Integrated Solution", CAASE20, June 16-18, Presented by M.Herbst, A.Paraschoudis, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"Late design stage optimization as an important task of the product development", CAASE20, June 16-18, Presented by T.Tryfonidis, E.Ioannou, G.Korbetis & S.Garyfallidis, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"A complete framework for DOE Studies in Occupant protection", CAASE20, June 16-18, Presented by T.Fokylidis & N.Tzolas, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"Performing DOE Studies in Occupant Protection using BETA CAE Tools", 16th International LS-DYNA Users Conference 2020, June 10-11, Authors: T.Fokylidis, N.Tzolas, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"The Latest Developments of the ANSA Preprocessor for IGA Applications of LS-DYNA", 16th International LS-DYNA Users Conference 2020, June 10-11, Authors: L.Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, I.Chalkidis, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"Pre-simulation of airbag folding for LS-DYNA", 16th International LS-DYNA Users Conference 2020, June 10-11, Authors: T.Fokylidis, S.Porikis, BETA CAE Systems SA. 

"Stamp-Crash Process: Coupling of Forming and Crash Simulations at BMW", 2020 BETA CAE Systems Open Meeting in Germany, February 4, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany, Authors: J.Mergel, A.Ickes, M.Meder, H.Reith, BMW Group, M.Tryfonidis, BETA CAE Systems SA.


"Non Linear Multi-Scale Modeling of Composites", NAFEMS Seminar: CAE in Support of Sustainability and Durability 2019, November 25-26, Billung, Denmark, Authors: E.Tsivolas, E.Palaiokastritis, I.Asaniotis, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"State-of-the-art environment for Simulation Run Management", NAFEMS Seminar: Engineering Analysis & Simulation in the Automotive Industry 2019, November 7, Bucharest, Romania, presented by Z.Margellou.

"ABAQUS Load cases in Modular Run Management environment", SIIMULIA Poland Regional Users Meeting 2019, October 24-25, Poznan, Poland, presented by A.Papadopoulos.

"Aerodynamic datasets generation by means of CFD", International CAE Conference 2019, October 28-29, Vicenza, Italy, D.Muffo, Leonardo Aircraft Division, M.Di Nonno, BETA CAE Italy.

"Fluid Structure Interaction simulations on transcatheter aortic valve implantation: different implantation scenarios",International CAE Conference 2019, October 28-29, Vicenza, Italy, Giulia Luraghi1, Laura Iannetti2, Francesco Migliavacca1, José Félix Rodriguez Matas1 1LaBS , Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci, 32, Milan, Italy, 2BETA CAE Italy Srl  

"Discovering the anatomy of a shock absorber with the aid of computed tomography and beyond", International CAE Conference 2019, October 28-29, Authors: E.Karatsis, P.Michailidis, I.Mezitis, BETA CAE Systems.

"BMW – Next Level Engineering: Digitalization of know-how in vehicle development", IT MESSE 2019, October 23-24, Munich, Germany, Authors: G.Saket, H.Daunert, BMW Group, M.Tryfonidis, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"The latest development of ANSA pre-processor and META post- processor for LS-DYNA", 2019 4rth China LS-DYNA User's conference, October 21-23, Shanghai, China, Authors: T.Fokylidis, BETA CAE Systems SA, Y.Li, I.Mezitis, BETA CAE Systems China.

"Topology Optimisation on Orthotropic Materials with Material Orientation", NAFEMS European Conference: Simulation-Based Optimisation 2019, October 15-16, London, UK, presented by P.Pantazidis.

"Topology and Parametric Structural Optimisation on a Vehicle’s Sill Subjected to Multiple Crash Load-cases", NAFEMS European Conference: Simulation-Based Optimisation 2019, October 15-16, London, UK, presented by A.Kaloudis.

"From CAD to IGA ready geometry and model build, for vehicle crash simulation", VII International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis: IGA 2019, September 18-20, Munich, Germany, Authors: L.Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, I.Chalkidis, A.Vafeidis, BETA CAE Systems SA.  

"Impact of transcatheter aortic valve size on the estimation of paravalvular leakage: an FSI study", CMBBE 2019, September 14-16, New York, USA, presented by L.Ianetti.

"The importance of mesh and analysis type in cellular modelling", CMBBE 2019, September 14-16, New York, USA, presented by E.Karatsis.

"Efficient watertight preparation tools methods for CFD meshing at Groupe PSA", Automotive CAE Forum Nagoya 2019, August 7, Nagoya, Japan, presented by K.Masaaki.

"A complete approach for the management of complex simulation processes, data and resources.", DAIMLER EDM CAE Forum 2019, July 17-18, Stuttgart, Germany, presented by A.Kaloudis.

"Overcoming the team collaboration obstacles of distance and specialization through democratization technologies", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, S.Kleidarias, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Should CAE simulation results be stored in 2D or 3D?", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, presented by A.Perifanis.

"Quality management of CAE data within a SPDM environment", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, Authors: I.Makropoulou, S.Tzamtzis, M.Pappas, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Mapping made easy: How the new VMAP interface standard can be utilized in ANSA towards smooth preprocessing", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, Authors: A.Fassas, G.Mokios, BETA CAE Systems SA.  

"Model creation and pre-processing in the age of Isogeometric Analysis: The latest developments of the ANSA pre-processor in IGA applications of LS-DYNA in the automotive industry", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, Authors: L.Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, I.Chalkidis, A.Vafeidis, BETA CAE Systems SA.

"Innovative techniques on beam section optimization. A BiW case study", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, Authors: D.Drougkas, G.Korbetis, BETA CAE Systems SA, K.Skolarikis, BETA CAE Systems International AG.

"Structural Optimization of a Vehicle‘s Sill Subjected to Side Pole and Small Overlap Frontal Crash Load Cases", 12th LS-DYNA International Conference 2019, May 14-16, Koblenz, Germany, presented by A.Kaloudis.

"The ANSA / LS-DYNA approach for IGA Simulations", 12th LS-DYNA International Conference 2019, May 14-16, Koblenz, Germany, Authors: L. Rorris, BETA CAE Systems International AG, A.Nagy, Livermore Software Technology Corporation, S.Hartmann, DYNAmore GmbH, I.Chalkidis, A.Vafeidis, BETA CAE Systems SA.  

"Post Processing of the 2020 EU-NCAP Frontal Impact test in META", 12th LS-DYNA International Conference 2019, May 14-16, Koblenz, Germany, Authors: N.Tzolas, BETA CAE Systems SA, D.Siskos, BETA CAE Systems International AG. 

"Multi Material Modeling with ANSA: An Application in the Automated Assembly Process in FORD", 12th LS-DYNA International Conference 2019, May 14-16, Koblenz, Germany, Authors: U.Tunc, H.Wuestner, Ford-Werke GmbH, T.Fokylidis, V.Karatsis, BETA CAE Systems SA, N.Pasligh, Ford-Werke GmbH, RIC Aachen, Chien Ping Mark Ng, Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited.  


"BETA CAE: Company and toolset for the simulation and analysis of AM engineered components", NAFEMS Nordic Seminar, December 10-11, Helsinki, Finland, presented by S.Seitanis.

"Optimization process for products made with additive manufacturing", NAFEMS Nordic Seminar, December 10-11, Helsinki, Finland, presented by A.Papadopoulos.

"Lifecycle Management implementation in CAE simulations", NAFEMS European Conference:Simulation Process and Data Management, November 28-29, Munich, Germany, presented by S.Tzamtzis.

"ANSA & META for SIMULIA applications", Simulia Poland Regional User Meeting, October 17-18, Poznan, Poland, presented by A.Papadopoulos.

"Addressing Current Key Challenges in Topology and Parametric Optimization: 1. Topology Optimization Transforms Organic-Looking Results into 3D Surface Geometry Model, 2. Use Substructuring in a Process-Guided Environment", German LS-DYNA Forum 2018, October 15-17, Bamberg, Germany, presented by A.Kaloudis.

"Model Set up, Analysis and Results of the Inverse Forming Tool in ANSA", German LS-DYNA Forum 2018, October 15-17, Bamberg, Germany, presented by S.Porikis.

"Advanced results databases compression techniques to allow their efficient use in results data management systems", German LS-DYNA Forum 2018, October 15-17, Bamberg, Germany, presented by A.Perifanis.

"A unified environment for collaborative CAE and immersive simulation results’ processing", German LS-DYNA Forum 2018, October 15-17, Bamberg, Germany, presented by A.Perifanis.

"Latest developments of the ANSA pre-processor for IGA applications of LS-DYNA, in the automotive industry", IGA 2018: Integrating Design and Analysis, October 10-12, Austin, USA, Authors: L.Rorris, BETA CAE Systems, Dave Benson, Livermore Software Technology Corporation.

"BETA CAE Systems software Suite for Vibro-Acoustic Analyses with Actran", FFT 2018, October 9-11, Toulouse, France, presented by A.Sarridis.

"Simulation results communication through a VR Collaboration Environment: a car's headlamp analysis case", International CAE Conference 2018, October 8-9, Vicenza, Italy, presented by A.Papadopoulos.

"Simulation results compression for efficient Results Data Management", International CAE Conference 2018, October 8-9, Vicenza, Italy, presented by A.Perifanis.

"Unleashing the full potential of ANSA meshing capabilities for RTM analysis", Moldex3D Technology Conference 2018, September 25-26, Paris, France, presented by P.Fotopoulos.

"Case studies and best practices for plastic injection molding from pre- to post- processing using ANSA & META", Moldex3D Technology Conference 2018, September 25-26, Paris, France, presented by P.Fotopoulos.

"Εξατομικευμένος σχεδιασμός υποδημάτων με την βοήθεια των πεπερασμένων στοιχείων", 8ο Συνέδριο Εμβιομηχανικής ΕΛΕΜΒΙΟ, 1-2 Σεπτεμβρίου, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα, παρουσίαση από την Ε.Μπακσιοβά.

"Τα πεπερασμένα στοιχεία στην εμβιομηχανική", 8ο Συνέδριο Εμβιομηχανικής ΕΛΕΜΒΙΟ, 1-2 Σεπτεμβρίου, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα, παρουσίαση από τον Ε.Καράτση.

"META VR Collaboration", NAFEMS India Conference, July 20-21, Bangalore, India, presented by S.Chatziagnelidis.

"Game-changing functionality for meshing", NAFEMS India Conference, July 20-21, Bangalore, India, presented by S.Chatziagnelidis.

"Force based squeak & rattle assessment", NAFEMS UK, July 17-18, Milton Keynes, UK, presented by T.Fokilidis.

"Advanced techniques for generating patient-specific, parametric Finite Element models", 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 8-12, Dublin, Ireland, presented by E.Baksiova.

"Gait specific footwear design, facilitated through evolutionary computational methods", 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 8-12, Dublin, Ireland, Authors: A.Tsouknidas, University of Western Macedonia, D.Drougkas, BETA CAE Systems.

"A unified environment for collaborative CAE and immersive simulation results’ processing", Science in the age of experience, June 18-21, Boston, USA, presented by N.Tzolas.

"Stamp result prediction using ANSA for Abaqus", Science in the age of experience, June 18-21, Boston, USA, presented by E.Iordanidou.

"Overcoming the team collaboration obstacles of distance and specialization through democratization technologies", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, presented by S.Kleidarias.

"Should CAE simulation results be stored in 2D or 3D?", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, presented by A.Perifanis.

"Quality management of CAE data within a SPDM environment", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, presented by I.Makropoulou.

"Mapping made easy: How the new VMAP interface standard can be utilized in ANSA towards smooth preprocessing", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, presented by A.Fassas.

"Model creation and pre-processing in the age of Isogeometric Analysis: The latest developments of the ANSA pre-processor in IGA applications of LS-DYNA in the automotive industry", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, presented by L.Rorris.

"Innovative techniques on beam section optimization. A BiW case study", NAFEMS World Congress 2019, June 17-20, Quebec, Canada, presented by D.Drougkas.

"One step Squeak and Rattle Analysis", 10th Squeak and Rattle Forum, June 13-14, Oberhausen, Germany, presented by S.Porikis.

"Occupant Injury Criteria, a complete solution for the evaluation of occupant and structural, simulation and physical test results in META", 15th LS-DYNA International Conference & Users Meeting, June 10-12, Dearborn, USA, presented by N.Tzolas. 

"A unified environment for collaborative CAE and immersive simulation results’ processing", 15th LS-DYNA International Conference & Users Meeting, June 10-12, Dearborn, USA, presented by S.Kleidarias. 

"Advanced results databases compression techniques to allow their efficient use in results data management systems", 15th LS-DYNA International Conference & Users Meeting, June 10-12, Dearborn, USA, presented by A.Perifanis. 

"Model Set up, Analysis and Results of the Inverse Forming tool in ANSA", 15th LS-DYNA International Conference & Users Meeting, June 10-12, Dearborn, USA, presented by E.Iordanidou. 

"ACP-OpDesign: Optimal Design Gateway :Reveal the path to optimized products", 15th LS-DYNA International Conference & Users Meeting, June 10-12, Dearborn, USA, presented by A.Kaloudis. 

"Multidisciplinary topology and parametric optimization of a BiW, following a unique holistic process", NAFEMS CAASE 2018, June 5-7, Cleveland, USA, presented by A.Kaloudis.

"Advanced results compression combined with a sophisticated and out-of-the-box simulation data management systems: A case implemented at Honda", NAFEMS CAASE 2018, June 5-7, Cleveland, USA, presented by A.Perifanis.

"A unified environment for collaborative CAE and immersive simulation results’ processing", NAFEMS CAASE 2018, June 5-7, Cleveland, USA, presented by S.Kleidarias.

"Running shoe gel cushioning optimization", ESTECO UM 2018, May 23-24, Trieste, Italy, presented by D.Drougkas.

"A dynamic Finite Element model to determine in-situ biomechanics of a running shoe", NAFEMS Dach 2018, May 14-16, Bamberg, Germany, presented by E.Karatsis.

"Evaluation of CAE Simulation Results using Photorealism in Processing", NAFEMS Nordic, April 24-25, Göteborg, Sweden, Authors: J. Deleskog, P. Gustavsson, J. Elmere & A. Lundberg, Volvo Car Corporation, D. Katramados, BETA CAE Systems.

"Force-Based Squeak and Rattle Assess¬ment of Vehicle Interiors at CEVT", NAFEMS Nordic, April 24-25, Göteborg, Sweden, Authors: P.Sabiniarz, AF, Y.Wardi & J.Weber, CEVT, M.Moridnejad, Volvo Car Corp., T.Fokilidis, BETA CAE Systems.

"A Dynamic Finite Element Model to Determine In-Situ Biomechanics of a Running Shoe", NAFEMS Nordic, April 24-25, Göteborg, Sweden, Authors: A.Tsouknidas & S.Maropoulos, University of Western Macedonia, D.Drougkas & E.Karatsis, BETA CAE Systems, M.Papagiannaki Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, D.Sagris, Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia.

"Post- Processing simulation results in Virtual Reality", Automotive CAE grand challenge, April 17-18, Hanau, Germany, presented by S.Kleidarias.

"From Reality to Virtuality", CMBBE 2018, March 26-29, Lisbon, Portugal, presented by E.Karatsis.

"Ground breaking simulation solutions", Converge user Conference-EUROPE, March 19-21, Bologna, Italy, Presented by M.Di Nonno.

"ANSA & META for Advanced TAITherm Simulations", 2018 Thermoanalytics Global User Group Meeting, March 13-15, Munich, Germany, presented by D.Souliotis.

"Gait-Specific Optimization of Composite Footwear Midsole Systems, Facilitated through Dynamic Finite Element Modelling", Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, vol. 2018, Article ID 6520314, 9 pages, 2018, D. Drougkas, E. Karatsis, M. Papagiannaki, S. Chatzimoisiadis, F. Arabatzi, S. Maropoulos, A. Tsouknidas  


"General Therman Presentation Slot", Advanced Automotive Aerodynamics Forum , November 30- December 1, Manchester United Kingdom, presented by N.Mitroglou.

"General CFD Presentation Slot", International Forum Automotive Thermal Management, November 28-29, Manchester, United Kingdom, presented by N.Mitroglou.

"SDM Console: A new approach on Data Management for the CAE model building processes", NAFEMS: Simulation Driven engineering, November 20-21, Nuremberg, Germany, presented by M.Tryfonidis and A.Fassas.

"Design optimization of a Free-Fall-Life-Boat (FFLB) using Fluid Structure Interaction and Kinematics analyses", International CAE conference, November 6-7, Vicenza, Italy, presented by D.Drougkas.

"Passive safety performances using an automatic CAE methodology Development of an integrated tool able to optimize the geometric features of a door trim and the restraint system setup", International CAE conference, November 6-7, Vicenza, Italy, Authors: C.Martin, A.Ortalda, L.Iannetti , Z.Wen.

"ACP-OpDesign: Optimal Design Gateway: Reveal the path to optimized products", International CAE conference, November 6-7, Vicenza, Italy, presented by A.Kaloudis.

"A dynamic finite element model to determine in-situ biomechanics of a running shoe", International CAE conference, November 6-7, Vicenza, Italy, presented by D.Marco.

"A numerical investigation of droplet impingement behavior on micro-CT reconstructed porous media using adaptive interface compression and mesh refinement", 5th OpenFOAM user conference 2017, October 17-19, Wiesbaden, Germany, presented by M.Aboukhedr.

"Effective compression of geometry and results of FE and CFD models", RUM Poland, October 12-13, Poznań, Poland, presented by A.Radopoulos.

"Functional significance of feeding ecology on stem cell fate in the mouse mandible", ISB 2017, July 23-27, Brisbane, Australia, presented by E.Karatsis.

"A dynamic finite element model to determine in-situ biomechanics of a running shoe", ISB 2017, July 23-27, Brisbane, Australia, presented by D.Drougkas.

"NAFEMS World Congress 2017 – Standardizing and automating the modelling process at CEVT", 2017 NAFEMS World Congress, June 11-14, Stockholm, Sweden, presented by J.Bäcklund (China Euro Vehicle Technology (CEVT) AB, Sweden) and G.Haralampidis (BETA CAE Systems SA, Greece).

"SPDM system implementation at CEVT", 2017 NAFEMS World Congress, June 11-14, Stockholm, Sweden, presented by N.Dagson.

"SDM Console: A new approach on Data Management for the CAE model building processes", 2017 NAFEMS World Congress, June 11-14, Stockholm, Sweden, presented by M.Tryfonidis.

Proceedings of the 7th BETA CAE International Conference

"EPILYSIS, a new solver for Finite Element Analysis" COMPIT 2017, May 15-17, Cardiff, United Kingdom

"Cases of leveraging simulation efficiency by employing the products of the simulia portfolio and BETA CAE Systems", Science in the age of experience, May 15-18, Chicago, USA, presented by A.Perifanis.

"From Pixels to Objects", Science in the age of experience, May 15-18, Chicago, USA, presented by E.Karatsis..

"A Unified Environment For Processing Test Videos And Simulation Models", 11th European LS-DYNA Conference, May 9-11, Salzburg, Austria, Authors: S.Kleidarias, V.Pavlidis, A.Tsakogiannis.

"New tools for model data and load-case management", 11th European LS-DYNA Conference, May 9-11, Salzburg, Austria, presented by A.Fokylidis.

"Model Set-up and Analysis tools for Squeak and Rattle and LS-DYNA", SIMULATION AND DATA INTENSIVE FAIR - GUM, April 25-26, Gothenburg, Sweden, presented by S.Seitanis.

"Model Set up and Analysis tools for Squeak and Rattle in LS-DYNA ", Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2017, April 5-6, Hanau, Germany, Authors: Mehrdad Moridnejad, Volvo Car Group, and Thanassis Fokylidis, BETA CAE Systems

"Workshop: ANSA - The advanced CAE pre-processing software for complete model build up", OpenFOAM User Meeting Stammtisch United 2017, February 20-21, Kassel, Germany, presented by A.Iordanidis.


"Simulating S&R using E-Line Method in ANSA and μETA", International CAE Conference 2016, October 17-18, Manchester, United Kingdom, presented by A.Fokylidis.

"Model Set-up and Analysis tools for Squeak and Rattle and LS-DYNA", DYNAmore Nordic Users' Conference, October 13-14, Gothenburg, Sweden, presented by A.Fokylidis.

"Robust Design Optimization of a free-fall-life-boat (FFLB) combining fluid structure interaction and kinematics analyses", NAFEMS UK Optimization, October 12-13, Singapore

"ACP OpDesign: The Optimal Design Gateway", International HEEDS User Conference, October 12, Dearborn, USA

"Workshop title: ANSA/μETA: Efficient applications for Powertrain NVH", FFT 2016, October 11-13, Brussels, Belgium

"Model Set-up and Analysis tools for Squeak and Rattle and LS-DYNA", German LS-DYNA forum 2016, October 10-12, Bamberg, Germany, presented by A.Fokylidis.

"Rapid NVH design improvements through a unified environment for handling full FE and reduced models.", FISITA 2016, September 26-30, Busan, Korea, presented by V.Pavlidis.

"Laminated Composite products: simulation process made easy", 10th Exemplar, September 22-23, Fontanafredda, Italy

"Computational analysis of flow and biochemical transport in multichamber bioreactor", CMBBE 2016, September 20-22, Tel Aviv, Israel, Authors: L.Lannetti, G.Conoscenti, R.Gottardi and P.Zunino.

"Advanced Finite Element Modeling techniques for Biomechanics", ESB 2016, July 10-13, Lyon, France

"The influence of mesh characteristics on OPOENFOAM simulations of the DriVAER model", Aerovehicles 2, June 21-23, Götheborg, Sweden, Authors: G.Fotiadis E.Skaperdas and A.Iordanidis.

"Model Set-up and Analysis tools for Squeak and Rattle and LS-DYNA", LS-DYNA International Conference, June 13-14, Dearborn MI, USA, presented by A.Fokylidis.

"The effect of height restoration and kyphoplasty parameters on the load transfer through the lumbar spine.", NAFEMS FRANCE, June 8-9, Paris, France

"Model setup and analysis tools for squeak and rattle in ls-dyna", 8th International Squeak and Rattle Forum, June 7-8, Bad Ens, Germany

"Simulation data management in Pre and Post processing", Science in the Age of experience, May 23-25, Boston, USA, presented by D.Katramados..

"Design optimization of a free-fall-life-boal (FFLB) using fluid structure interaction analyses", modeFRONTIER International users meeting, May 17-18, Trieste, Italy, presented by D.Drougas, G.Korbetis and S.Chatzimoisiadis.

"The effect of height restoration and kyphoplasty parameters on the load transfer through the lumbar spine.", NAFEMS NORDIC, May 10-11, Goteborg, Sweden, Authors: A.Tsouknidas, S.Chatzimoisiadis, E.Karatsis and N.Michailidis.

"Composite material multi objective optimization of a formula one front wing", NAFEMS NORDIC, May 10-11, Goteborg, Sweden, presented by G.Drougas and G.Korbetis.

"A holistic approach for complete CAE modeling in the automotive industry", COMPIT 2016, May 9-11, Florence, Italy

"ANSA & μETA v16.x Powerful Pre- and Post- Processing for Advanced TAITherm Simulations", Thermoanalytics conference 2016, April 19-21, Munich, Germany

"Pre and Post processing PERMAS Composites with BETA CAE systems Suite", PERMAS Users' conference Stuttgart 2016, April 14-15, Stuttgart, Germany

"The influence of mesh characteristics on OpenFOAM simulations of the DriVAER model", Simulation driven Design for CFD, February 23, Stuttgart, Germany, presented by G.Fotiadis, E.Skaperdas and A.Iordanidis.


"ANSA DM: Simulation data management in pre- and post- processing", NAFEMS: simulation process and data management, 2-3 December, Munchen, Germany

"The influence of mesh characteristics on OpenFOAM Simulations of the DrivAer model", NAFEMS European Conference: Computations Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Beyond the solve engineering analysis and simulation, 2-3 December, Munchen, Germany

"Utilizing PDM data through advanced pre-processing functionality", 2015 Simulation, 1-2 December, Bad Nauheim, Germany

"Pre- and Post-processing of a laminated composite B-Pilar component using ANSA & META", NAFEMS Nordic: Simulating composite materials and structures, 17-18 October, Stockholm, Sweden

"Multi objective optimization of a composite material F1 front wing", International CAE Conference 2015, 19-20 October, Verona, Italy  

"The influence of mesh characteristics on OpenFOAM simulations of the DrivAer model", International CAE Conference 2015, 19-20 October, Verona, Italy  

"Automated interoperability from concept design to multidisciplinary FE analysis", ICCAS 2015- International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 29 September – 1 October, Bremen, Germany

"Faster Design Improvements with Reduced Nodel in NVH Console", 2015 Ground Vehicle & Heavy Machinery Industry, 16-17 September, Troy, Michigan, USA

"Composite materials multi objective optimization of a formula 1 front wing powered by NASTRAN Topometry optimization capabilities", 2015 Ground Vehicle & Heavy Machinery Industry, 16-17 September, Troy, Michigan, USA

"Post implantation design optimization of coronary artery stent", 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics ISB, 12-16 July, Glasgow, UK  

"The Effect of Masticatory Loading on the cervical loop region of the incisor in rodents", ESB 2015 - 21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics Congress, 5-8 July,Prague, Czech Republic

"Comprehensive management of simulation models", NAFEMS 2nd International SPDM Conference, 21-24 June, San Diego, USA

"Composite materials multi objective optimization of a formula 1 front wing", NAFEMS World Congress 2015, 21-24 June, San Diego, USA

"The influence of mesh characteristics on OPENFOAM simulations of DRIVAER model", Thermal systems and Aerodynamics solutions for ground vehicles (ATA), 17-19 June, Torino, Italy

Proceedings of the 6th BETA CAE International Conference

"New technologies for side impact model set-up", European LS-DYNA Conference 2015, 15-17 June, Würzburg, Germany

"Complete laminated composite modeling and simulation process using ANSA and META software tools for Simulia ABAQUS solver", SCC2015 (SIMULIA Community Conference 2015), 18-21 May, Berlin, Germany

"Automated Interoperability from Concept Design to Multidisciplinary FE Analysis", RINA Design and construction of super and Mega Yachts, 13-14 May, Genoa, Italy  

"Automated Interoperability from Concept Design to Multidisciplinary FE Analysis", COMPIT 2015, 11-13 May, Ulrichshusen, Germany  

"Effects of hull deformations, bearing foundation stiffness and oil film characteristics on the shaft alignment characteristics of VLCC vessels", 12th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC), May 11-14, Tokyo, Japan

"Composite Modeling and analysis technologies in ANSA and META", LS-DYNA Software di simulazione numerica per molte applicazioni, March 17 2015, Modena, Italy


"Introducing high-end pre- and post- processing solutions in Maritime and Offshore design", 9th International conference on High Performance Marine Vehicles (Hiper 2014), December 3-5 2014, Athens, Greece, presented by G. Korbetis.

"Strategic pre- & post- processing solutions for the SIMULIA product line", Simulia regional Meeting 2014, Israel, November 26, 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel, organized by ADCOSIM, presented by T. Fokilidis.

"ANSA & µETA as state of the art pre- and post- processing solution for the SIMULIA product line", Simulia Turkey regional Meeting 2014, November 6-7, 2014, Instabul, Turkey, presented by I. Assaniotis.

"Co-simulation solutions for Sliding Door Slam test using the Kinetics tool of ANSA", International CAE conference 2014, October 27-28, 2014, Lake Garda, Italy, presented by A. Paraschoudis.

"Automated extraction of Occupant Injury results", International CAE conference 2014, October 27-28, 2014, Lake Garda, Italy, presentaed by P. Applegren.

"Coronary artery stent design optimization utilizing the efficient coupling between ANSA and Optimus", Optimus 2014 world conference, October 14-15 2014, Paris, France, presented by D. Drougkas.

"Generating a pure hexa mesh for human ends’ bones", 12th Conference on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical engineering (CMBBE), October 13-15 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, presented by S. Savvakis.

"Streamlining exterior acoustic analyses using ANSA / META pre- and post- processing suite", FFT Acoustic Simulation conference & ACTRAN Users’ meeting 2014, October 14-16 2014, Brussels, Belgium, T. Sarridis.

"New physics-based pre-processing tools for LS-DYNA safety simulation set-up", Nordic LS-DYNA FORUM 2014, October 9-10 2014, Gothenburgh, Sweden, presented by P. Appelgren.  

"Automated extraction of Occupant injury results", 13th LS0DYNA forum 2014, October 6-8, 2014, Bamberg, Germany, presented by N. Tzolas.

"New Physics based pre- and post- processing tools for LS-DYNA safety simulation setup", 13th LS-DYNA forum 2014, October 6-8, 2014, Bamberg, Germany, presented by E. Iordanidou.

"The influence of mesh characteristics on OpenFOAM simulations of the DrivAer Model", 2nd Northern Germany OpenFOAM User meeting 2014 (NOFUN), September 24, 2014, Braunshweig, Germany, presented by V. Skaperdas.

"Introducing high-end pre- and post- processing solutions in Maritime and Offshore design", AVEVA World Marine User Meeting 2014, Northen & Central Europe, September 3-4, 2014, Malmo, Sweden, presented by G. Korbetis.

"The Effect of Pre- and Post- Operative Kyphotic Deformity on the Dynamic Load Transfer within the Lumbar Spine", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11 2014, Boston, MA, USA, presented by A. Tsouknidas.

"The influence of bone’s elasticity on the apical migration of a natural tooth connected to an osseointegrated implant with a non-rigid attachment. A 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA)", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11 2014, Boston, MA, USA, presented by S. Savvakis.

"Introducing a new framework for effective Data, Resources and CAE workflow Process Management", NAFEMS UK conference 2014, June 10-11, 2014, Oxford, UK, presented by M. Pappas.

"Streamlined component-based full vehicle NVH analysis", 2014 FISITA World Automotive Congress, June 2-6 2014, Maastricht, The Netherlands, presented by V. Pavlidis.

"Advanced CAE Tools for coupling simulation results", NAFEMS Deutschsprachige Konferenz 2014, May 20-21, 2014, Bamberg, Germany, A. Fassas (BETA CAE Systems), R. Wersching (Audi AG Neckarsulm).  

"Composite material multi-objective optimization of a Formula 1 front wing, powered by the NASTRAN Topometry Optimization capabilities", NAFEMS Deutschsprachige Konferenz 2014, May 20-21, 2014, Bamberg, Germany, D. Drougkas, G. Korbetis.  

"External aerodynamics CFD simulations of the DRIVAERO vehicle model", NAFEMS NORDIC Conference 2014, May 13-14, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, S. Chatzimoysiadis, V. Skaperdas, A. Iordanidis

"CAE pre- and post- processing for offshore structures design", NAFEMS NORDIC Conference 2014, May 13-14, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, S. Chatzimoysiadis, G. Korbetis, D. Georgoulas.  

"A co-simulation approach of a sliding door slam test", NAFEMS NORDIC Conference 2014, May 13-14, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, A. Paraschoudis, S. Patil (BETA CAE Systems).  

"Effectes of Hull Deformation on the Static shaft Alignment Characteristics", COMPIT'14 - 13th International conference on computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries, May 12-14, 2014, Redworth, UK, presented by G. Korbetis  

"Composite material multi-objective optimization using ANSA, META and modeFRONTIER", modeFRONTIER International Users’ Meeting 2014, May 12-13, 2014, Trieste, Italy, presented by D. Drougkas.

"Efficient handling of adhesives for crash in ANSA", carhs Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2014, April 15-16, 2014, Hanau, Germany, presented by K. Kiouptsidis.

"Robustness analysis in Interior Head Impact simulations with ANSA and META", carhs Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2014, April 15-16, 2014, Hanau, Germany, presented by T. Fokilidis.

"CAE process workflow management of an automotive simulation scenario", SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition, April 8-10 2014, Detroit, MI, USA, presented by M. Stampouli.  

"ANSA and META Pre- & Post- Processing for RadTherm analysis", 2014 International RadTherm User Group Meeting, March 26-28 2014, Munich, Germany, presented by T.Sarridis.


"Co-Simulation Approach of a Sliding Door Slam Test", Coupled MBS-FE Applications: A New Trend in Simulation, organized by NAFEMS, November 26-27 2013, Frankfurt, Germany  

"ANSA & META as state-of-the-art pre- & post-processing solutions for SIMULIA product line", Abaqus User's meeting in Israel, November 26 2013, Herzelia, Israel

"The Influence of Mesh Characteristics on CFD Simulations for Automotive Applications", Automotive Simulation World Congress, organized by ANSYS, October 29-30 2013, Frankfurt, Germany

"Mesh sensitivity studies for the external aerodynamic simulations in automotive applications", Open Source CFD International Conference 2013, organized by ICON, October 24-25 2013, Hamburg, Germany

"Strenght and durability analysis through automated reports in HONDA using ANSA & META", International CAE Conference, October 21-22, 2013, Pacengo del Garda Verona, Italy.  

"An integrated suite for the detailed assessment of full vehicle NVH behavior", International CAE Conference, October 21-22, 2013, Pacengo del Garda Verona, Italy  

"Study for the effect of the mesh on the external aerodynamic simulation results for a landing gear", International CAE Conference, October 21-22, 2013, Pacengo del Garda Verona, Italy  

"Latest Advancements in Dummy Positioning and Restraining in ANSA", 2013 Heidelberg Crash Meeting, organized by Humanetics, September 26-27, 2013, Heidelberg, Germany

"ANSA and META for industrial CFD pre- and post processing", International Conference on Compressors and their Systems 2013, City University of London, September 7-8, 2013, London, UK

"Scalable Simulation Data Management Using the Software Tools of BETA CAE Systems", Daimler EDM CAE Forum, July 10-11, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany

"Skalierbares Datenmanagement im CAE-Prozess mit ANSA und SPDRM", 2013 Process Automation and Simulation Data Management (SDM), organized by DYNAmore, July 2, Stuttgart, Germany, presented by K. Gourgounis  

"Detailed auto-refinement of the mesh of structural models for small-deformations analysis", 2013 NAFEMS World Congress - 1st Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) International Conference, June 09-12, Salzburg, Austria, E. Kastrinakis  

"Automotive Simulation Process Scenario Implemented in SPDRM", 2013 NAFEMS World Congress - 1st Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) International Conference, June 09-12, Salzburg, Austria, M. Pappas, M. Stampouli  

Proceedings of the 5th ANSA & META International Conference

"An Automated Procedure for Interior Head Impact Analysis",9th European LS-DYNA Users' Conference, June 2-4, 2013, Manchester, UK, Anneli Hoegberg - Volvo Car Corp., T. Fokilidis  

"Efficient Use of CAE Pre- and Post-Processing in Offshore Structures Design", COMPIT 2013, April 15-17, 2013, Cortona, Italy, G. Korbetis, D. Georgoulas  

"Topology Optimization driven by the ANSA-TOSCA automated process template", carhs Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2013, April 10-11, 2013, Hanau, Germany, S. Chatzimoisiadis

"Streamlining NVH pre-processing of components through template-based and reduced modeling", carhs Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2013, April 10-11, 2013, Hanau, Germany, T. Sarridis

"Introducing High-end CAE Pre- and Post-processing Solutions in Offshore and Energy Structures Design", NAFEMS Nordic Numerical Simulation in Energy Applications, February 5 – 6 2013, Oslo, Norway, G. Korbetis, D. Georgoulas

"New CAE software tools for composite materials in the Automotive Industry", SAE 2013 Design, Manufacturing and Economics of Composites Symposium, January 29 - 30, 2013, Torino, Italy, S. Saltiel, M. Giannakidis


"Bridging the gap between CAD and CAE in composite structures development process for the automotive industry", FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress,  November 20-21 2012, Baden-Baden, Germany,  S. Saltiel, M. Giannakidis  

"Mesh sensitivity studies for the external aerodynamic CFD simulations with OpenFOAM®", Open Source CFD International Conference 2012, October 29-30 2012, London, UK, V. Skaperdas, A. Iordanidis  

"Recent advancements in LS-DYNA pre-processing for crash simulation",  International CAE Conference,  October 22-23 2012, Pacengo - Lazise (VR), Italy, L. Rorris, A. Lioras, A. Kolokythas  

"Multi-objective optimization of a crankshaft using the efficient ANSA, META and modeFRONTIER", International CAE Conference, October 22-23 2012, Pacengo - Lazise (VR), Italy, S. Chatzimaisiadis, A. Clarich  

"Interfacing ANSA-Optimus-META for performance increase in multi-disciplinary design optimization", Optimus 2012 World Conference, October 16-17 2012, Munich, Germany, D. Georgoulas, G. Korbetis

"Automated Post-Processing and Report Generation for Standard Crash and Safety Test Simulations", LS-DYNA Nordic Users’ Forum 2012,  October 11, Göteborg, Sweden, N. Tzolas

"Latest Developments in Crash and Safety Pre-Processing", LS-DYNA Nordic Users’ Forum 2012, October 11, Göteborg, Sweden, L. Rorris, I. Kolokythas

"Automated post-processing and report generation for standard Crash & Safety test simulation", German LS-DYNA Forum 2012, October 9-10, 2012, Ulm, Germany, N. Tzolas  

"Robustness methods in Safety simulations", German LS-DYNA Forum 2012,  October 9-10, 2012, Ulm, Germany,  I. Kolokythas  

"Driving Multi-Disciplinary Optimization using State of the Art Simulation Technologies - End User Case Studies", NAFEMS North America Conference '12,  September 11-12, 2012, Washington, DC, USA, N. Ravi

"Recent Advancements In LS-DYNA® Pre-Processing for Crash Simulation",  12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference,  June 3-5, 2012, Dearborn, MI, USA, L. Rorris, A. Lioras, Y. Kolokythas  

"Automated Post-Processing & Report-Generation for Standard Crash & Safety Tests Simulation", 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, June 3-5, 2012, Dearborn, MI, USA, N. Tzolas  

"CFD Optimization via Sensitivity-Based Shape Morphing",  NAFEMS NORDIC Conference 2012,  May 21-22, 2012, Trieste, Italy,  C. Othmer, E. M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias, K. Haliskos  

"Multi objective design optimization of a cargo ship rudder, using the efficiency of the ANSA-modeFRONTIER-META coupling",  modeFRONTIER users' meeting 2012,  May 21-22, 2012, Trieste, Italy, G. Korbetis  

"Solving Bottlenecks in Powertrain FE Analyses", NAFEMS deutschsprachige Konferenz 2012, May 8-9 2012, Bamberg, Germany, A. Fassas, A. Sarridis

"Addressing complexity in pre-processing with PERMAS, using ANSA", PERMAS Users' Conference, April 26-27, 2012, Heidelberg, Germany,  K. Gourgounis

"Multi-Objective Design Optimization of a Rudder, using Automated CAE Model Set-Up with ANSA Pre-Processor", COMPIT 2012,  April 16-18, 2012, Liege, Belgium,  G Korbetis, D. Georgoulas  

"Using SPDRM to orchestrate all actors involved in CAE", Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2012,  April 3-4, 2012, Hanau, Germany, S. Seitanis, G Margellou

"Robustness Analysis of Safety Simulations", Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2012,  April 3-4, 2012, Hanau, Germany, L. Rorris, A. Lioras, A. Fokylidis


"Data and Process Management for NVH analysis pre-processing in Volvo with ANSA",  2nd European NAFEMS Conference on Simulation Process and Data Management (SDM), November 15-16, 2011, Munich, Germany, I. Makropoulou, B. Ratama

"Introducing Efficient CAE Pre- and Post-Processing Solutions in Aerospace Design", Aero Engineering 2011, November 9-10, 2011, Birmingham, UK, S. Chatziagelidis, N. Toulas

"ANSA - Evolution and contribution to the success of CFD simulations", Open Source CFD International Conference 2011, November 3-4, 2011, Paris-Chantilly, France, V. Skaperdas

"ANSA and mETA in Maritime applications", 2011 LS-DYNA and ANSA Info Day, October 11, 2011, Göteborg Sweden, D. Georgoulas

"ANSA and mETA in LS-DYNA Crash applications", 2011 LS-DYNA and ANSA Info Day, October 11, 2011, Göteborg Sweden, T. Fokilidis

"FEM analysis of a gearbox housing, for the calculation of stress and deflection characteristics", Virtual Powertrain Brazil Conference & Expo, August 24-25, 2011, Sao Paolo, Brazil, G. Camp, N. Drivakos

Proceedings of the 4th ANSA & META International Conference

"The use of Generic Entities for Multidisciplinary preprocessing. A simple but powerful pattern in ANSA", ALYOTECH - 8th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, May 23-24, 2011, Strasbourg, France, Y. Kolokythas, L. Rorris  

"Usage of fully detailed CAE models for concept design with the ANSA Morphing Tool", ALYOTECH - 8th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, May 23-24, 2011, Strasbourg, France, G. Korbetis  

"Example of Full Model Build-Up Process in Collaboration with External Suppliers not having Direct Access to the Enterprise SDM Environment", SIEMENS PLM Connection, Americas Users Conference 2011, May 2-5, 2011, Las Vegas, USA, I. Charalambidis

"Introducing Highly-Efficient CAE Pre- and Post-Processing Solutions in Maritime Design", COMPIT 2011, May 2-4, 2011, Berlin, Germany, G. Korbetis, D. Georgoulas  

"Efficient handling and versatile Modelling of Connections", carhs - Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2011, April 19-20, 2011, Hanau, Germany, N. Toulas, I. Makropoulou

"Data and Process Management for Efficient Model Building", carhs - Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2011, April 19-20, 2011, Hanau, Germany, S. Seitanis

"ANSA Meshing for RadTherm & New Developments", RadTherm User Group Meeting, March 15-17, 2011, Munich Germany, V. Skaperdas


"An outlook to state-of-the-art pre- & post-processing tools for Abaqus", ADCOM, Abaqus User's meeting in Israel, November 30, 2010, Herzelia, Israel, Sam. Saltiel

"Simulation Data and Resources Management in the context of a CAE Process", NAFEMS European Conference: Simulation Process and Data Management (SDM) November 24-25, 2010, Frankfurt, Germany

"Example of Full Model Build-Up Process in Collaboration with External Suppliers not having Direct Access to the Enterprise SDM Environment" NAFEMS European Conference: Simulation Process and Data Management (SDM) November 24-25, 2010, Frankfurt, Germany, Z. Petrovic, SIEMENS PLM Software GmBH, Germany, I. Charalambidis, S. Seitanis of BETA CAE Systems S.A.

"Utilizing ANSA/META package for Optimization Solutions", NOESIS 2010 Optimus Users Meeting,22-23 November 2010, Antwerp, Belgium, G. Korbetis

"Addressing Robustness in Vehicle Simulation Models", NAFEMS Nordic Regional Summit 2010: Trends and Future Needs in Engineering Simulation, October 26-27, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden, S. Seitanis,

"A holistic approach to Post-Processing of FEA results - Current trends", NAFEMS Nordic Regional Summit 2010: Trends and Future Needs in Engineering Simulation, October 26-27, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden, V. Pavlidis, D. Siskos,

"Latest Developments in ANSA for Model Assembly and Loadcase Management based on LS-DYNA Include Files", DYNAmore German LS-DYNA User Forum, October 12-13, 2010, Bamberg, Germany, M. Tryfonidis,

"Development of New Tools for Crash and Safety Analysis - Performance Driven LS-DYNA Simulation with ANSA and META", DYNAmore German LS-DYNA User Forum, October 12-13, 2010, Bamberg, Germany, L. Rorris, Y. Kolokythas,

"A Holistic Approach to Post-Processing of FEA Results - Current Trends", NAFEMS UK Conference 2010, June 8-9, 2010, Oxford, UK, V. Pavlidis

"Latest Developments in Crash Pre- and Post-Processing: Innovative Ideas Brought to the Industry", LSTC 11th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, June 6-8, Dearborn, MI, USA, L.Rorris, D.Siskos

"LS-DYNA® Durability Loadcases: An Automated Template Driven Process Using the ANSA Task Manager", LSTC 11th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, June 6-8, Dearborn, MI, USA, Y.Kolokythas, BETA CAE Systems, Dr.-Ing. D.Fels, Dr.-Ing. M.Weinert, Ford-Werke GmbH

"Current Trends in Post-processing of FEA Results in the Automotive Industry", FISITA 2010 World Automotive Congress, May 30 - June 4, 2010, Budapest, Hungary, V. Pavlidis

"Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization exploiting the efficiency of ANSA-LSOPT-META coupling", carhs GmbH Automotive CAE grand challenge 2010, March 30-31, 2010, Hanau, Germany, G. Korbetis

"Addressing robustness in simulation models", carhs GmbH Automotive CAE grand challenge 2010, March 30-31, 2010, Hanau, Germany, S. Seitanis


"Advanced CFD Preprocessing Solutions For OpenFOAM", Open Source CFD International Conference 2009, November 12-13, Barcelona, Spain, E. Scaperdas

"Modeling Gearbox housing for FEM-analysis of Stress and Deflection characteristics", 3rd International Transmissions Conference - Power Transmissions '09, Halkidiki, Greece, October 1-2, 2009, N. Drivakos, BETA CAE Systems, Greece, G. Camp, VOLKSWAGEN AG, Germany

"A step forward in process automation: Results mapping and automated multiple Abaqus/Standard load-cases definition", Deutsche SIMULIA-Konferenz, September 21-22, Würzburg, Germany, M. Tryfonidis, BETA CAE Systems, Greece, S. Vasudeva-Rao, Chrysler LLC, USA  

Proceedings of the 3rd ANSA & META International Conference

"Integrated Process, Data & Resources Management – A solution for the contemporary CAE workflows", NAFEMS World Congress 2009, Crete, Greece, June 16th-19th 2009, S. Seitanis, S. Saltiel

"Handling complex Kinematics of Crash models with ANSA", SIMULIA Customer Conference, London, UK, May 18-21, 2009, L. Rorris

"Latest developments in Crash Pre Processing and Post Processing. Innovative Ideas brought to the Industry with ANSA and META", DYNAmore 7th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Salzburg, Austria, May 14-15, L. Rorris, D. Siskos

"Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization exploiting the efficiency of ANSA/*Start hiding from IE Mac \*/ /*Stop hiding from IE Mac */ , LS-OPT, META coupling", DYNAmore 7th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Salzburg, Austria, May 14-15, G. Korbetis, D. Siskos


"Etude in CFD Pre-Processing", 7th MIRA International Vehicle Aerodynamics Conference, October 22-23 2008, Coventry, UK, V. Skaperdas, C. Kolovos

"Handling of Complex Kinematics of a Crash Model in ANSA", Engineering Reseach AB, Nordic LS-DYNA Users' Forum, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 2, 2008, L. Rorris

"Handling of Complex Kinematics of a Crash Model in ANSA", DYNAmore, 7th German LS-DYNA Forum, Bamberg, Germany, September 30 - October 1, 2008, L. Rorris

"Automating and Organizing the Optimization Process Using ANSA – LS-OPT® – META", A Bumper Optimization Case Study, DYNAmore, 7th German LS-DYNA Forum, Bamberg, Germany, September 30 - October 1, 2008, G. Korbetis

"Sub-modelling or Sub-structuring techniques for ABAQUS", 3DDSystems, 1st Abaqus Users Conference, Athens, Greece, September 25, 2008, Dr. S. Seitanis, Dr. M. Giannakidis

"F2008-12-187: CAE Data and Process Management for Shorter CAE Cycles - A Study in Automotive Industry", FISITA 2008 World Automotive Congress, Munich, Germany, September 14-19, 2008, Dr. S. Seitanis, Dr. S. Saltiel

"LS-DYNA® Impact Model build-up: Process Automation with ANSA Data Management and Task Manager", LSTC, 10th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference, Dearborn, MI, USA, June 8-10, 2008, I. Makropoulou, Y. Kolokythas, L. Rorris

"ANSA as a pre-processor for optimization applications", FE-Design, 2nd Conference For Applied Optimization In The Virtual Product Development, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 3-4, 2008, G. Korbetis

"Determination of model's boundaries for submodeling or substructuring techniques in a stress analysis", SIMULIA, 2008 Abaqus Users' Conference, Newport RI, USA, May 19-22, 2008, M. Giannakidis, S. Seitanis

"Post Processing Tools that Overlay Physical and Virtual Testing ", 6th NAFEMS Nordic Seminar: Combining physical and virtual testing, Stockholm (S) / Turku (FI) - April 8-9, 2008, S. Chatziangelidis


"FEA modelling and Simulation in Automotive Industry; solutions for shorter CAE-cycles", 5th NAFEMS Nordic seminar: FEA Modelling and Numerical Simulation - Advances and Practical Applications Copenhagen, Denmark - October 24-25, 2007, S. Seitanis, S. Saltiel

"Shape and parameter optimization with ANSA and LS-OPT using a new flexible interface" DYNAmore - 6th German LS-DYNA Forum 2007, Frankenthal, Germany - October 11-12, 2007 G. Korbetis

"Template driven LS-DYNA model build-up with ANSA Task Manager", DYNAmore - 6th German LS-DYNA Forum 2007 - Frankenthal, Germany - October 11-12, 2007, I. Makropoulou

Proceedings of the 2nd ANSA & META International Congress


"Morphing mit ANSA für die Formoptimierung mit LS-OPT", 5th German LS-DYNA Forum, Ulm 2006, DYNAmore GmbH, M. Seidel, G. Korbetis

"Efficient CAE data and process management, for virtual product development and verification, in LS-DYNA simulations", 5th German LS-DYNA Forum, Ulm 2006, DYNAmore GmbH, D.Angelis, S.Seitanis

"F2006M141: Latest Developments in CAE Process Automation: An Insight into Batch Meshing of BiW Models", FISITA 2006, Yokohama 2006, FISITA, S.-T. Saltiel, M.Tryfonidis


References to ANSA in SAE papers 2001-2006  

References to ANSA in SAE papers 2007-2008  

Proceedings of the 2005 ANSA & META International Congress

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