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"BETA CAE Systems develops and delivers world class software that has forever changed engineering, and improved the product development process and timing.
They have exceptional software support and are receptive to the customer needs."
"...They never promise something they can’t deliver ...
Real professionals!"
"I would like to express my gratitude to the support team for been very helpful and professional. It has been above my expectation and this is the quality that each customer is looking for.
Thank you!"

"I am writing to thank you for the quality of service provided. I sincerely appreciate their efficient, gracious customer service, the level of detail and in-depth knowhow you demonstrated, and the way you provide technical support as a whole.
I have, and will continue to, recommend your services to others. I could not be more satisfied with your work, and we look forward to continuing this relationship."

"We owe you a great thank for your kindness, availability, reactivity and great expertise to us, all along those past years. It was really nice to work together."

"We are very pleased to have partners like you. This reinforces our aim to keep on growing with your products and support."

"Thank you all for your excellent support. You guys know how to listen, understand and solve a problem. Thank you!"

"Thanks for the professional, patient and excellent support"

"...Once again, an excellent performance of the company BETA! Respect! "

"...I am really grateful and impressed by the speed and quality of your customer support works."

"...I simply love your software, it is really the best. ANSA is my favorite preprocessor.
...Also, thanks guys for the support. It is the fastest!"

"Thanks a lot! This is what I really like about BETA: best preprocessing tool, excellent support and very energetic to improve features."

"The more I use ANSA the more satisfied I get, and the faster my results are coming out!."

"ANSA is indisputably become the preprocessor of our choice and is constantly expanding our capabilities to design and dimension our car body structures….Particularly the user scripts help us save a lot of time in the simulation process of composite structures…. I would like to thank your team in the name of my team for that strategic partnership."

"ANSA is by far the best tetrahedral element meshing software that our lab has used for meshing complex biological structures.
ANSA is able to consistently and quickly create well shaped elements and provides nice gradients in element size between more refined zones and coarser zones. The other tetrahedral meshing packages that we have used created meshes with poorly shaped elements (i.e. slivers) and/or created gradients in element size that were too large. These types of meshes perform poorly when used for the highly deformable, nonlinear analyses needed for our biomechanics research. One of ANSA’s primary benefits is the ability to trim an imported surface mesh along a curve; particularly important when working with meshes created in segmentation software. Furthermore, the support of ANSA by BETA CAE is wonderful. Our questions have been answered quickly, clearly, and thoroughly.
The Musculoskeletal Research Laboratories greatly appreciates our working relationship with BETA CAE and uses ANSA for most of our biomechanics research requiring finite element analysis."

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