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Session 2.2.1

Keynote Speech: Future innovative CAE for next-generation vehicle development
Hiroo Yamaoka,
TOYOTA Motor Corporation, Japan

FEM Body In White modelling process
R. Lindner1*, A. Fassas2
1AUDI AG, Germany,
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Session 2.1.2

Analysis of S&R phenomena through simulation in Abaqus
I. Lama, J. Viñas*, Y. Blecon, X. Montané
IDIADA Automotive Technology, Spain

Establishment of simulation of sound-proof package for a vehicle using ANSA script
H. Okamura1*, F. Ide2
1TOP CAE Corporation, Japan,
Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Japan

ANSA - A perfect tool for structural optimization
B. Lauber
FE-DESIGN GmbH, Germany

Non-linear multi-scale analysis of aerospace structures
O. Mintchev*, R. Diez
LASSO Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Germany

Session 2.1.3

Advanced capabilities of META for NVH post-processing and submodeling
V. Pavlidis*, D. Siskos
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

A step forward in process automation: Results mapping and automated multiple Abaqus/Standard load-cases definition
M. Tryfonidis1*, S. Vasudeva-Rao2
1BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece,
Chrysler LLC., USA

ANSA as a pre-processor for fluid-solid coupling simulations
Chen H.Y.*, Liu Wei, Lv X. M., Zhang L.Z.
Beijing FEAonline Engineering Co., Ltd, China

Session 2.1.4

Identification of anisotropic elastic material properties from micro-FEM simulations for natural materials
R. Schneider1*, U. Hindenlang2, M. Resch1
1High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Germany
2LASSO Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Germany

An approach to the effective notch stress concept to complex geometry welds focusing on the FE modeling of weld ends
M. Malikoutsakis*, G. Savaidis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Session 2.2.2

Modular build-up of vehicle crash models using ANSA Data Management
H. Klamser1, A. Kaloudis2*
1Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Germany,
2BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Optimisation of occupant safety with coupling of kinematic and optimisation tools
C. Giesen*, M. Schallmo
Volke Entwicklungsring GmbH, Germany

Simulation of pedestrian safety for AMG C63 using ANSA and META
H. Friese
LASSO Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Germany

Calculating FORCES on user defined cross sections in META prevents from re-solving crash models and facilitates substructuring for durability models
S. Kleidarias*, G. Kalaitzidis
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Session 2.2.3

Latest developments and advancements in ANSA and META for crash and occupant safety simulation and model creation
L. Rorris*, Y. Kolokythas, M. Tryfonidis, D. Siskos
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Stamping simulation study on Al-6061 alloy using FEA approach
Trivikram N. L.1*, V. R. Sural1, Mrityunjaya R. Yeli1, R. Venkatesan1, Ramesch C. S.2
1EASi Technologies, India,
P.E.S. Institute of Technology, India

Integration of morphing and optimization with the CAX-load case composer at AUDI
M. Thiele1*, H. Meissner2
1DYNAmore GmbH, Germany,
AUDI AG, Germany

Session 2.2.4

LS-DYNA® durability loadcases: Automated template driven process using the ANSA Task Manager
D. Fels1, M. Weinert1, Y. Kolokythas2*
1Ford-Werke GmbH, Germany,
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Simulation of explosions in train and bridge applications
Mrityunjaya R. Yeli*, Trivikram N. L., V. R. Sural, R. Venkateshan
EASi Technologies, India

Session 2.3.2

Using OpenFOAM and ANSA for road and race car CFD
R. Lewis*, A. Mosedale, I. Annetts
TotalSim Ltd., UK

Meshing and Accuracy in CFD
M. Lanfrit*, W. Seibert
ANSYS Germany GmbH, Germany

CAE frame work for aerodynamic design development of automotive vehicles
P. Peddiraju1*, A. Papadopoulos1, R. Singh2
1BETA CAE Systems USA Inc., USA,
General Motors Corporation, USA

High level geometry restoration for CFD purposes in ANSA
P. Gullberg*, L. Löfdahl
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Session 2.3.3

An efficient approach for CFD Topology Optimization of interior flows
I. Nitsopoulos*, M. Stefan, M. Böhm
FE-DESIGN GmbH, Germany

Numerical simulation for improving a rotary motor efficiency by Flow Optimization inside the motor's chambers
S. Savvakis*, Z. Samaras
Lab. of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Strategies and techniques for rapid parameterization of vehicle surface mesh
R. Lietz1, M. Tessmer1, S. Sun1, S. Earla2*, R. Nimbalkar2
1Ford Motor Company, USA
2BETA CAE Systems USA Inc., USA

Session 2.3.4

Minimizing fuel consumption with CFD and automated morphing
S. Michalowski1*, A. Pieck1, M. Goedecke1, M. Teller2
1Wilhelm Karmann GmbH, Germany,
University of Applied Sciences Trier, Germany

Optimization of air flow through a heat exchanger in an automotive HVAC
V. A. Jairazbhoy1, LeeAnn Wang1, M. Shahabi1, R. Nimbalkar2, S. Earla2*
1Automotive Components Holdings, USA,
BETA CAE Systems USA Inc., USA

Session 3.2.1

Keynote Speech: CAE contribution to vehicle development in NISSAN
Toshihiro Araki
NISSAN Motor Company, Japan

An insight to the deployment of ANSA within BMW CAE processes
M. Goedecke1*, M. Tryfonidis2
1BMW Group, Germany,
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Common CAD modeling for multiple automotive FEA disciplines
B. K. Shahidi1, R. Shen1, M. Ahmed1, S. Earla2*, R. Nimbalkar2, R. Mothukuri2
1Ford Motor Company, North America, USA
2BETA CAE Systems USA Inc., USA

Automation of CAE pre & post processing activities using ANSA and META scripting capabilities
A. Palacio1*, X. Latorre1, C. Mitjans1, P. Cruz2
1IDIADA Automotive Technology S.A., Spain
2IDIADA Automotive Technology India Pvt. Ltd., India

Session 3.1.2

Integrative optimization of injection-molded plastic parts - Multidisciplinary shape optimization including process induced properties
A. Wüst*, T. Hensel, D. Jansen
BASF SE, Germany

Analysis of solar panel support structures
A. Mihailidis, K. Panagiotidis, K. Agouridas*
Laboratory of Machine Elements & Machine Design Mechanical Engineering Department,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Postprocessing analysis results of burst test simulations for automotive plastic air intake manifolds
P. Kondapalli, presented by M. Lambi*
BASF Engineering Plastics, USA

Methodologies for deterministic and probabilistic optimization in NVH using re-analysis
Z. Mourelatos
Oakland University, USA

Session 3.2.2

Parametric shape optimization of vehicle body for weight reduction and stiffness improvement
J. Rakowska1, B. K. Shahidi1, S. Earla2*, R. Nimbalkar2, V. Gandhi2
1Ford Motor Company, North America, USA
2BETA CAE Systems USA Inc., USA

Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) using ANSA/META POST and Isight
F. Krabchi

Multi-objective optimisation integrating ANSA with modeFRONTIER
A. Clarich*, P. Geremia
ESTECO srl, Italy

Coupling mesh morphing and parametric shape optimization using SimuOpti
Liu Wei, Shao X.J., Dai C. H.*, He H.R.
Beijing FEAonline Engineering Co., Ltd, China

Session 3.3.2

Automated pre-processing for high quality multiple variant CFD models of a city-class car
E. Skaperdas*, C. Kolovos
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Predicting and improving the performance of a bagless vacuum cleaner using CFD
F. J. Campos1*, D. Sykes2, J. Ferguson2
1ICON Ltd., UK,
Hoover Candy Group, UK

Implementing Advanced CAE Tools in Automotive Engineering Education at Chalmers University of Technology
L. Christoffersen*, C. Landström, L. Löfdahl
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

New applications of ANSA in CEM
P. Tobola*, I. Grac
Evektor, spol. s r.o., Czech Republic

Session 3.2.3

NAFEMS - The international engineering analysis community
A. R. Oswald
NAFEMS GmbH, Germany

Teamcenter - ANSA Integration
Z. Petrovic1, S. Seitanis2*, I. Charalampidis2
1Siemens PLM Software GmbH, Germany
2BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

Simulation, Process, Data and Resources Management (SPDRM)
S. Seitanis
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Greece

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