December 23, 2024
BETA CAE Systems announces the release of
the v25.1.0 of its software suite
About this release
BETA CAE Systems is thrilled to announce the release of the major version v25.1.0 of its product line for ANSA, EPILYSIS, META, KOMVOS, SPDRM as well as FATIQ, ANSERS and RETOMO.
Just a few months after the game-changing launch of v25.0.0, this first point release of v25.x.x series adds extra value to your processes with brand-new functionality, while resolving acknowledged bottlenecks of the recent past.
With enhanced stability and boosted performance, v25.1.0 comes as a non-negotiable version migration within BETA software suite, providing even more efficiency in model handling, further ingenuity in workflow concepts, methods and techniques, whereas, along with the integration of new tools, it takes automation and customization to the next level.
Don't miss:
- The full support of Fidelity PBS solver by Cadence, with optimum mesh quality, solver case setup, execution and monitoring
- The integration of Fidelity AutoSeal by Cadence, with seamless and automatic watertight model generation
- The new supported analysis types in EPILYSIS, such as the Linear Buckling Analysis (SOL105)
- The coupling of SPH Solver with Structural Analysis (e.g. EPILYSIS), as well as with CFD Solvers (e.g. Fidelity PBS Solver)
- The latest Safety protocols, now supported in ANSA & META, along with noteworthy enhancements regarding HBMs
- The direct communication of KOMVOS with Teamcenter for the search and download of Product Structures and CAD files
- The targeted implementations towards a more streamlined installation and maintenance of SPDRM multi-site deployment
- The integrated Modal Superposition in FATIQ
- The promising data handling and visualization enhancements with ANSERS
Follows an overview of the most important items:
A constantly uplifted User Experience, through the revamped User Interface in ANSA & META
Leveraging pre-processing tasks in ANSA
New analysis types in EPILYSIS
Boosted user productivity and further implementations in META
From CAD to CAE through KOMVOS
Increased robustness and productivity with SPDRM
Modal Superposition and enhanced Calculation Methods with FATIQ
Improved 3d model viewing, sharing of dashlets and many other data handling and visualization enhancements with ANSERS
Foam analysis in RETOMO
A constantly uplifted User Experience, through the revamped User Interface in ANSA & META
The promising redesign of ANSA & META, previously introduced in v25.0.0, is gaining ground in the new version, with even more additions and enhancements.
In ANSA, the new Aeroelasticity ribbon expedites the setup and simulation of an aerodynamic model, whereas in META, the new Data Management ribbon facilitates the addition of Reports (KeyValues, Curves, Plots, Metadb Project, etc.) on the selected object id of the connected DM.
Numerous other implementations have added more value to the elevated User Productivity:
In ANSA, the Solver Job Monitoring with entity links is a Solve window that creates links to entities for the reported errors/warnings/info, with extra functionality under the context menu of DBB list.
In addition, through the Solver Job Logs, you can load and compare multiple Logs and can proceed with simultaneous Job monitoring.
Lastly, through the Clipboard tool, you may copy any entity of the model, for further use and export, either as .ansa or solver file.
In META, HTML 3D has undergone numerous enhancements, such as the significant speed up of animation performance for big models, the export of simplified models, the adjusted accuracy for better performance, as well as the support of multiple models and results.
Furthermore, thanks to the ODB Diagnostics tool, you can now assess the contents, status and potential issues of a loaded ODB file.
Leveraging pre-processing tasks in ANSA
Along with the revamped, unified approach in tasks’ workflow and execution from pre- to post-processing, both ANSA & META come with enriched functionality and upgraded performance.
Moving on to structural meshing, a new meshing algorithm aligns the mesh flow on the isoparametric curves of the underlying surface, parts can be automatically connected with merging of flanges and shells can be grouped per Plane, Elevation and Section. Furthermore, a new tool, called Stack Mesh generation, automatically creates HEXA/PENTA solids in parts with one extrusion direction.
Focusing on middle mesh generation and results, an automatic, rapid and precise update of the selected middle mesh area enhances the results’ quality, whereas you can now compare the new 3D design with the existing FE middle mesh, not associated with geometry, and then generate middle mesh only on areas with differences.
In the related Modular Environment functionality, the Intermodular Connectors allow for the introduction of Connector Representation Templates for template-driven Connector setup. Thanks to the Simulation Configuration for NVH analyses, Simulation Models can now support different Connector Representations for the same Connector, enabling appropriate tuning for different Loadcases. Easy fixture of Subsystems for different Simulations and "what-if" analyses through the new Grounding adaptation in Simulation can take place. And due to LS-DYNA Substructuring, *INTERFACE_LINKING_FILE can now be defined by making a reference to existing data in DM.
Extended capabilities also arise in the Assembly area, specifically in Navigate Connections; not only can you navigate per connection, apply new checks/attributes and record auto/manual changes, but you may also navigate per part, approve or reject model's parts, show symmetric parts and create reports.
In the Crash & Safety area, several noteworthy enhancements have taken place regarding HBMs. In specific, the Human Body Model Scaling tool produces Human Body Model variants, based on anthropometric data. A universal HBM metadata format has been established, which is a universal approach to the Human Body Model metadata file format that simplifies the file structure and further enhances their compatibility between different HBMs. Lastly, the HBM Landmark Positioning tool automates and optimizes Human Body Model positioning by aligning initial landmarks to target ones.
In the Durability domain, with the Sketch 2D in Cross Sections Tool, you may define constraints, set and parametrize cross section's dimensions. An automatic calculation of 3D geometrical dimensions on bolt connection entities can derive from Feature Manager. You may also visualize contact's tied status for Abaqus; in specific, check model contacts and review the tied status with a fringe plot and retrieve tied status from Abaqus datacheck results or calculate it in ANSA. Lastly, an enhanced tied contact inspection for Abaqus is available, through a new draw mode to review tied status of secondary nodes. Additionally, you can visualize node adjustments for Abaqus; in other words, review and apply node adjustments retrieved from solver output check.
Several enhancements in the NVH field have been introduced, specifically regarding Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), such as the implementation of a dedicated Loadcase Setup Assistant for SEA, along with the calculation and visualization of SEA results.
Some of the highlights in Design and Morphing are the connection definition in Members, where you can define spot-welds or spot-lines along the new member’s flanges, and the SubD Surface Deviation, where you may automatically fit SubD to its reference or to a user-defined surface.
Moreover, the Optimization Tool comes with further updates and upgrades. For instance, the support of Mixed Integer Programming in Optimization algorithms leads to discrete values optimization in Differential Evolution, Simulated Annealing, NSGA-II. Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm has been implemented and the Student Chart in the Optimization tool Results explores the importance of each Design Variable performing a t-test on the available experiments.
New analysis types in EPILYSIS
Several noteworthy upgrades come with the release of v25.1.0, with regards to dedicated analysis types.
In specific, Linear Buckling Analysis (SOL105), Equivalent Radiated Power Panel Participation Factor Output Request, as well as Topography Optimization through the BEADVAR entry, are all supported in the new version.
Boosted user productivity and further implementations in META
The brand-new version comes with numerous enhancements in a wide range of domains.
Fast and efficient flow field visualization on large CFD models can now take place, through projected type LIC on Cut Planes.
Cut Planes for IGA elements have been implemented, enabling the creation of cross sections on such elements.
Focusing on Crash & Safety, C-NCAP 2024 Far Side Impact VTC is now supported, along with IIHS SORB 2024 (v4), IIHS MODB 2024 (v2), C-NCAP 2024, C-IASI 2023, AEP-55 STANAG 4569 and rating calculation and reporting of Whiplash tests for Euro NCAP, C-NCAP, KNCAP, JNCAP.
In the NVH field, "what-if" studies can now be conducted for different FRF Assembly configurations, along with the comparison of response results, through multiple FRF Assembly scenarios. Simplified modal superposition for Driving Point and Transfer Functions calculations can take place easily and fast through Model Transfer Functions, elevating user experience. Focusing on acoustics, you can also listen to different acoustic pressure results and highlight the corresponding curves.
Last but not least, Modeshapes animation for ADAMS in Multibody Dynamics is now available providing better insight of results of an MBD analysis.
From CAD to CAE through KOMVOS
The new version comes with an interactive CAE structure creation; it offers a new arrangement for the CAE Structure preview, where the CAE model Structure is displayed side-by-side with the JT viewer, allowing visualization of the model per Subsystem and quick identification of unclassified parts.
Moreover, the direct communication with Teamcenter for the search and download of Product Structures and CAD files, takes the CAD to CAE process to the next level.
Increased robustness and productivity with SPDRM
Towards a more streamlined installation and maintenance of SPDRM multi-site deployments, this version introduces a new mechanism for the creation and maintenance of remote sites. Now the System Administrator of remote sites downloads the required packages straight from the SPDRM Admin web page. These packages are pre-configured for the remote site of interest, minimizing administration effort and the susceptibility to human errors.
In the area of HPC Submission and job monitoring, the Job Monitoring Assistant (JMA) microservice is introduced, that offers better performance comparing to the previous implementation, an out-of-the-box integration with Slurm Workload Manager through an SSH connection and easier troubleshooting with the in-built error notification mechanism.
Remarkable improvements have taken place in the deletion mechanism that now supports top-down deletion (i.e. deleting a Simulation Run along with all its contents) and delivers its results faster than ever before.
Furthermore, a noteworthy update in multi-site data sharing capabilities enables the "push" of data from the site they were produced to selected target sites, eliminating unnecessary wait times for users in target sites. This on-demand data sharing option is available through KOMVOS and the DM Browser in ANSA and META, as well as through Python script and REST APIs.
Modal Superposition and enhanced Calculation Methods with FATIQ
One of the highlights that stand out in the new version, is the integration of Modal Response in the workflow of Frequency domain and of Time domain S-N and ε-N Analysis.
Furthermore, more calculation methods have come to light.
For instance, the Sines algorithm has been introduced, applied automatically in case loading is deterministic in frequency domain applications.
In addition, the fatigue cycles of a duty cycle can now be defined by using stress states from the FE analysis as peaks and valleys.
Improved 3d model viewing, sharing of dashlets and many other data handling and visualization enhancements with ANSERS
This new release comes with significant speed-up of the animation performance in the integrated HTML 3d viewer and the capability to display multiple models in it.
Powerful new capabilities have been introduced, like sharing dashlets with the currently displayed data and working with multiple open dashlets at the same time.
Other important general enhancements include the ability to edit colors used in dashlets for specific simulation models or runs and store that assignment.
New panel visualization types have been added like histogram bar charts, radar charts and panels to add free text and links to other dashlets.
Additionally, existing panels were enhanced with new options such as adding background images to charts, full screen mode, quick one-click synchronization and option to download their currently displayed items.
Moreover, the latest additions regarding sources of data refer to the import data from .xlsx files and filebased DM connections with integrated authorization.
Foam analysis in RETOMO
RETOMO can now process computed tomography (CT) scans of complex cellular foam structures. Powerful algorithms detect, segment and analyze the characteristics of every cell. Foam wall mid-surface mesh with thickness info may be automatically generated and exported, eliminating cumbersome processing in pre-processors.
For more details about the new software features, enhancements and fixes, please refer to the Release Notes documents.
Where to download from
Customers who are served directly by BETA CAE Systems, or its subsidiaries, may download the new software, examples and documentation from their account on our server. They can access their account through the "download" link on our website.
Contact us if you miss your account details. The Downloads menu items give you access to the public downloads.
Customers who are served by a local business agent should contact the local support channel for software distribution details.
What to download
All files required for the installation of this version reside in the folders named "BETA_CAE_Systems_v25.1.0", "KOMVOS_v25.1.0", "SPDRM_v25.1.0", "FATIQ_v25.1.0", "ANSERS_v25.1.0" and "RETOMO_v25.0.1", and are
dated as of December 23, 2024. These files should replace any pre-releases or other files downloaded prior to that date.
The distribution of this version of our pre- and post-processing suite is packaged in one, single, unified installation file, that invokes the respective installer and guides the procedure for the installation of the required components.
For the installation of the software on each platform type, download from the respective folders, the .sh file for Linux or the .msi file for Windows.
In addition to the above, optionally, the META Viewer is available to be downloaded for each supported platform.
The tutorials and the example files reside in the folder named "TUTORIALS". This folder includes a complete package, and one with only the updated files.
The Abaqus libraries required for the post-processing of Abaqus .odb files are included in the installation package and can be optionally unpacked.
Earlier software releases are also available in the sub-directory called "Previous_Versions" or in a folder named after the product and version number.