November 6, 2024
BETA CAE Systems International AG
JOSCAR REGISTERED certification renewed
BETA CAE Systems International AG is proud to announce that has been successfully renewed its acceptance on to JOSCAR, and continues to be recognised as a fully compliant supplier for several defence companies and major organisations. BETA CAE Systems International, being JOSCAR certified since October 2021, satisfies all the requirements to be fully registered on the JOSCAR supplier accreditation register, as set out by participating buying organisations.
JOSCAR (the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register) is a collaborative accreditation and compliance system, used by the aerospace, defence, and security industry, to act as a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information on approved suppliers.
Being certified as a registered member and a trusted supplier for the aerospace and defence sectors, assures our clients and partners that the software and services we provide are of the highest quality and comply with the industry standards. Moreover, since organisations from these sectors have strict information security requirements, being registered to JOSCAR assures our customers that we meet their demands for information and data protection.
More information about JOSCAR are available by Hellios.