July 19, 2024
BETA CAE Systems announces the release of
SPDRM v25.0.0
About this Release
We are excited to announce that from now on, major SPDRM version releases will be synchronized with the BETA Suite. This alignment will make it easier to identify the recommended BETA Suite version for each SPDRM release. This new version brings significant enhancements across the board. Notably, we have introduced major new features in the area of Data Management, offering even greater possibilities for our users.
SPDRM v25.0.0 is now available, with numerous important enhancements in both the back-end and the SPDRM client.
Release Highlights
Documentation Updates
Supported Platforms and System Requirements
Release Highlights
This new version brings significant enhancements across the board. Notably, we have introduced major new features in the area of Data Management, offering even greater possibilities for our users. Whenever data were saved from ANSA to SPDRM, they were transferred synchronously over network paths into the SPDRM vault which is usually mounted to the client workstations through NFS/SMB protocol. Thus, the overall performance of the ANSA Save operation was directly dependent to network and infrastructure, and poor performance might be experienced, especially in cases of teleworking or cases of slow connection between the user's workstation and the SPDRM vault. In order to diminish the effect of these factors to the perceived performance, this version introduces asynchronous save of data from ANSA to SPDRM. When this feature is active in ANSA, the writing of the metadata to the SPDRM database takes place synchronously, but the actual files are uploaded to SPDRM vault asynchronously. During this process, the state of asynchronous uploads is accessible through the DM Browser.
Still in the area of Data Management, this version enables Team and Project Leaders to modify the SPDRM Data Model through UI, with no involvement of the system administrator and no SPDRM server restart. The current version supports the addition, renaming and removal of a property (primary attribute) of data objects, as well as the accepted values of properties. In both cases, existing data objects affected by the changes are migrated asynchronously.
Furthermore, related to data archival, this version brings new possibilities to the front-end. More specifically, any user that belongs to the Administrators role is able to archive data objects along with their associated files through KOMVOS. In addition, the UI offers the ability to search for archived objects by applying the respective filter. Retrieval of selected data is also possible, through the Search workspace.
Towards an easier and more user-friendly configuration of Enterprise Level SPDRM installations, this version offers to the system administrators a quick way for building and downloading pre-configured packages for BAL (BETA Apps Launcher) and RIOC (Remote Input-Output Commands) micro-services. Both packages can be built and downloaded through the SPDRM Administration web page. For secure communication, self-signed certificates are generated on-the-fly and the relevant trust-stores are updated automatically, if required.
In addition, this version introduces a new mode for the installation or update of SPDRM in dockerized environments. This option offers easier installation and maintenance of the SPDRM application server.
For more details about the new software features, enhancements and corrections please refer to the Release Notes document.
Documentation Updates
Updated Documents
Updated Installation Guide, Administrator’s Guide, Scripting API Guide and REST API documentation.
Supported Platforms and System Requirements
The server software of SPDRM is running under 64bit flavors of Linux.
The client software of SPDRM is running under 64bit flavors of Linux and MS Windows.
The software requires a different license key to the rest of the products of BETA CAE Systems. This license key should be incorporated into the same license file, if such is already installed, and requires beta_lm, the proprietary license manager of BETA CAE Systems.
For details, refer to the System Requirements document.
Where to download from
Customers who are served directly by BETA CAE Systems, or its subsidiaries, may download the new software and documentation from their account on our server. They can access their account through the "sign in" link at our website. Contact us if you miss your account details.
The Downloads menu items give you access to the public downloads.
Customers who are served by a local business agent should contact the local support channel for software distribution details.
What to download
All files required for the installation of this version reside in the folder named: "SPDRM_v25.0.0" and are dated as of July 19, 2024.
These files should replace any pre-releases or other files downloaded prior to that date.
The distribution of this version of SPDRM is packaged in one, single, unified installation file that invokes the respective installer and guides the procedure for the installation of the required components (i.e. SPDRM server and client).
For the installation of the software download the .tar.gz file.
Earlier software releases are also available in the sub-directory called "Previous_Versions" or in a folder named after the product and version number.