Join us to the
2024 BETA CAE Systems
Italy Open Meeting
May 28, 2024
Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile
Corso Unità d’Italia 40, 10126 Torino
We have the pleasure to extend our invitation to the 2024 Italy Open Meeting. As the event has become an esteemed tradition for the Engineering Simulation community in Italy, this year promises to captivate you with a number of presentations from front-runner customers who will honor us by sharing their practices and experiences from employing our software suite.
We extend our appreciation to our valued customers who will share their stories of successful deployment of our software within their organizations. Moreover, BETA engineers from around the world, will be there to travel you through some of our latest achievements, and give you a glimpse of our plans for the future.
This year, we offer to the attendees of our Open Meeting the unique experience of a guided tour to the National Automobile Museum.
Join us as we gather to share expertise, explore innovations, and foster collaboration within the engineering simulation community.
There is no participation fee for the event.
Presentations will be given in Italian
The attire will be business casual.
The event is hosted by BETA CAE Italy Srl
Preliminary Agenda
08:00 |
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09:00 |
Registration |
Plenary Session (Auditorium) | |
09:00 |
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09:10 |
Opening speech |
09:10 |
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09:50 |
The evolution of BETA CAE Systems portfolio in a nutshell |
09:50 |
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10:10 |
Selected applications of Machine Learning in simulation results |
10:10 |
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10:40 |
Streamlining simulation run preparation with an end-to-end modular methodology |
10:40 |
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11:00 |
Break |
Session A (Auditorium) | Session B (Sala 150) |
11:00 |
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11:20 |
Isotta Fraschini Milano Tipo 6-C: aerodynamic development of an LMH car using ANSA and META |
Time domain stress and displacement fields reconstruction by using META |
11:20 |
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11:50 |
The new SPH solver for micro-scale applications |
A new user experience in ANSA: Direct Edit for topology and meshing |
11:50 |
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12:10 |
CFD automation for MotoGP |
Advanced FE biomechanical positioning method - Recent updates |
12:10 |
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13:10 |
Lunch |
13:10 |
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14:40 |
Guided tour to National Automobile Museum |
14:40 |
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15:00 |
Pre- and post-processing strategies for CFD of ballistic objects |
ANSA for the design optimization of an Explosively Formed Projectile |
15:00 |
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15:30 |
Automatic pre- and post-processing in Ferrari Sports Cars: a continuous improvement |
FATIQ - The comprehensive platform for streamlined fatigue analyses |
15:30 |
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15:50 |
Automated Batch Mesh methodology for CFD meshing of land/air/water vehicles |
Recent developments in the field of package drop testing |
15:50 |
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16:10 |
Break |
16:10 |
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16:30 |
Simulation of centrifugal pumps for automotive applications |
Hexahedral mesh for an aortic model embedded in a continuous hexahedral brick |
16:30 |
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17:00 |
BETA CAE Systems software as enabler for automation and optimization |
Automatic pre-processing for metal casting simulations in Brembo SpA |
17:00 |
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17:20 |
Pre- and post-processing for FSI simulations of epycardial coronary arteries |
Thermal and numerical-experimental analysis of electronic board for Battery Management System (BMS) |
Plenary session (Auditorium) | |
17:20 |
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17:50 |
Future directions of BETA CAE Systems product line |
17:50 |
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18:00 |
Closing and remarks |
VenueMuseo Nazionale dell'Automobile, Location Map |
Important datesThere is no registration deadline |
InformationPaola Savettiere |