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May 9, 2017

BETA CAE Systems announces the release of
the v17.1.1 of its software suite

ansa meta image

About this release

BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the new BETA suite v17.1.1.

This maintenance release focuses on resolving identified issues with v17.1x.

The most important fixes implemented are listed below.


Enhancements and known issues resolved in ANSA
Known issues resolved in META
Compatibility and Supported Platforms

Enhancements and known issues resolved in ANSA

Enhancements in ANSA


A new python script function has been added [utils.ImportCustomToolbarsAndMenus()],to provide the capability to import custom toolbars and/or menus.


A new Python class [CompareTool] unifies all model comparison functions. This class replaces the CompareFromFile() function, which is now deprecated.

Data management

It is now possible to handle both 100% and 150% subsystems in ANSA DM.

Model Browser

Considerable performance improvement of "Update model set-up entities " that collects the model set-up entities of subsystems and simulation models based on their geometrical contents.

Connections & Assembly

Improved performance for Spotwelds realization when a Reference Library is used for the Fe-Representation settings.

Improved performance of Seamlines realization.

File > Read connections: Reading connections of the same ID for different connection types is now allowed.

Reference library entities for the entire FE representations from the options in Windows > Settings > Connections > Fe Rep Reference Properties, are now supported.


Free: Function can now identify and fix nodes that are used only by time history entities.


Radioss 14 is now supported.


The Low Speed Impact tool is supported for marking the ECE42 locations and the positioning (single or multi) of the impactor include.


Visualization of the coupling performed by SONATE.

Optimization Task

The result of the Check Template Item is now checked in Report Item. The importance of the result is controlled by the user by declaring its status as Fatal or Warning.

Known issues resolved in ANSA


When an *.igs file was opened in ANSA with the option 'Read free geometry ' disabled, the Model Browser was displaying the geometric entities contained in the CAD file, while these were not shown in the Database Browser since they were not translated in the database.

Connections & Assembly

ANSA defaults of v17.0.x with assigned Fe Rep Reference Properties would not be read in properly in the v17.1.x.

Volume Mesh

Negative Volume: Specific cases where the check would report erroneous number of negative elements detected on model.

Volumes: Case where AutoDetect failed to properly detect a closed volume.


Deck Info: Mass Deck Info calculation was not correct when NSM set was referred to Nastran Header, because not all NSMs in the NSM set were considered.


The reading of the Generalized Displacement output request was erroneous.


ANSA Kinematic positions were not output as PRIMER Kinematic comments.


The Preview Include structure option activation would fail to display the Include structure.

NVH Console

Assembly: When applying A/LC Points from within the NVH Console, named nodes were lost, upon changing the representation of the respective component.

Loadcase Manager

Fluid nodes were renumbered when imported from XML file.

Morph and Oprimization

The function "DV from entities ", (activated from Database Browser), would fail for some fields of specific entities.


For more details about the new software features, enhancements and corrections please, refer to the Release Notes document.


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Known issues resolved in META


Deactivating Settings > Global Settings > General > GUI > Crash Report Path setting could prevent META from launching.

Supported Interfaces

Abaqus: Wrong axis might be used in certain cases when calculating material orientation defined by *ORIENTATION.

LS-DYNA: In some cases, SETs might not be input when there were ID conflicts for SETs of different types.

Unexpected termination when reading PAMCRASH Femzipped files.


Shell elements were not displayed on work stations with NVIDIA Quadro K4000 graphics card, driver: 331.82.

Managing Curve Data

Context menu would not appearing when pressing right mouse button on a curve's point.

NVH Calculators

Responses calculated from Modal Response or FRF Assembly might not be correct if Medina files were provided as modal components.

META Viewer

Rendering Materials were not applied on the PIDs of the model when the project file was loaded in META Viewer.


For more details about the new software features, enhancements and corrections please, refer to the Release Notes document.


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Compatibility and Supported Platforms

ANSA files saved by all the first and second point releases of a major version are compatible to each other. New major versions can read files saved by previous ones but not vice versa.

META Project files saved from version 17.1.1 are compatible and can be opened by META version 16.0.0 or later. To be readable by META versions earlier than v16.0.0, they have to be saved selecting the option "Version <16.0.0".

Support for 32-bit platform has been discontinued for all operating systems.


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Where to download from

Customers who are served directly by BETA CAE Systems, or its subsidiaries, may download the new software, examples and documentation from their account on our server. They can access their account through the "user login" link at our web site.
Contact us if you miss your account details. The Downloads menu items give you access to the public downloads.
Customers who are served by a local business agent should contact the local support channel channel for software distribution details.

What to download

All files required for the installation of this version reside in the folder named "BETA_CAE_Systems_v17.1.1" and are dated as of May 9, 2017. These files should replace any pre-releases or other files downloaded prior to that date.
The distribution of this version of our pre- and post-processing suite is packaged in one, single, unified installation file, that invokes the respective installer and guides the procedure for the installation of the required components.

For the installation of the software on each platform type, installer file residing in the folder with respective platform name, for Linux and MacOS or the respective .msi installer file for Windows, 64bit, have to be downloaded.

In addition to the above, optionally, the META Viewer is available to be downloaded for each supported platform.

The tutorials and the example files reside in the folder named "TUTORIALS". This folder includes the complete package of the tutorials and example files, and a package with only the updated ones.

The Abaqus libraries required for the post-processing of Abaqus .odb files are included in the installation package and can be optionally unpacked.

Earlier software releases are also available in the sub-directory called "old" or in a folder named after the product and version number.

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